(訳注: この日本語マニュアルは Verified programming in F* の翻訳です。 翻訳に参加するには 翻訳リポジトリ を参照してください。)
F* は検証指向のプログラミング言語で、Microsoft Research, MSR-Inria, Inria によって開発されています。 それは、型付で正格な関数型プログラミング言語である ML 族の言語の伝統を受け継いでいます。 けれども、その型システムは ML のそれよりも著しく豊かで、表明されて半自動的に検査される関数的な正確さの仕様を許します。 このチュートリアルは F* における検証されたプログラミングの最初の体験を提供します。 論文とテクニカルレポートを含む F* に関するより多くの情報が F* ウェブサイト で見つかります。
もし ML 族の関数型プログラミング言語 (例: OCaml, F#, Standard ML) や Haskell に馴染みがあれば、それは役立つでしょう—もし馴染みがなくても、この文書で基本的な概念を簡単に説明します。より多くのバックグラウンドを知りたい場合には、Web 上に無料の有用な文書が多数あります。例えば、TryF#, F# for fun and profit, Introduction to Caml, Real World OCaml などです。
F* を試したりこのチュートリアルの検証の練習問題を解く最も簡単な方法は オンライン F* エディタ を使ってウェブブラウザ上で直接動かすことです。 それぞの練習問題の本体中にある “エディタに読み込む” リンクをクリックすることで、それぞれの練習問題に必要なボイラープレートコードをオンラインエディタに読み込むことができます。 それぞれの練習問題でのあなた進捗はウェブブラウザのローカルストレージに保存されるので、(例えばウェブブラウザがクラッシュなどしても) 後であなたのコードを復帰できます。 (訳注: この文書では上記の オンライン F* エディタ との連携は使えません。“エディタに読み込む” リンクをクリックすると、相当するソースコードをダウンロードできます。)
また F* をローカルのマシンにインストールしてこの練習問題を解くこともできます。 F* はオープンソースでクロスプラットフォームです。 Windows, Linux, MacOS X 向けの バイナリパッケージ をダウンロードでき、またこれらの 手順 を用いて github 上のソースコード から F* をコンパイルできます。
お好きなテキストエディタを使って F* コードを編集できます。 そして Emacs, Atom, Vim には F* を特別にサポートする拡張があり、シンタックスハイライトやインタラクティブな開発ができます。 エディタのサポート の詳細は F* wiki を参照してください。
デフォルトでは F* は入力されたコードを検証するだけで、それを実行しません。 F* コードを実行するためには、OCaml や F# にエクストラクトし、OCaml や F# コンパイラを使ってコンパイルする必要があります。 F* コード実行 の詳細は F* wiki を参照してください。
ファイルに対するアクセスコントロールの単純なモデルからはじめましょう。 この中で、一般的な関数型プログラミング由来のいくつかの基本的なコンセプトと、いくつかの F* 固有の機能を見ることになるでしょう。
ファイルの単純なアクセスコントロールをモデル化したいとしましょう—あるファイルは読み書き可能で、一方で他のファイルはアクセスできません。 それぞれのファイルに対する権限を表わすポリシーを作り、このポリシーに照らしてプログラムのファイルアクセスのパターンをチェックし、アクセスできないファイルが決っして間違ってアクセスされてないことを静的に保証したいのです。
このシナリオでのモデル (これは後の章でより現実的にします) は3つの簡単なステップで進展します。
F* の構文は OCaml 構文と F# の non-light 構文に基づいています。
F* プログラムは数個のモジュールで構成されます。
それぞれのモジュールはそのモジュールの名前を定義する module
その本体は多数の定義と任意に ‘main’ 式を含みます。
ここでは2つのモジュールがあります: 1つは FileName
と呼ばれ、もう1つは (Access-Control Lists を表わす) ACLs
module FileName
type filename = string
module ACLs
open FileName
(* canWrite is a function specifying whether or not a file f can be written *)
let canWrite (f:filename) =
match f with
| "demo/tempfile" -> true
| _ -> false
(* canRead is also a function ... *)
let canRead (f:filename) =
canWrite f (* writeable files are also readable *)
|| f="demo/README" (* and so is this file *)
モジュールは型シノニムを定義します: filename
をモデル化するのに string
モジュールははじめに FileName
モジュールを open
するので、その型シノニムは直接使えるようになります。(そうしない場合、長いフル修飾された名前: FileName.filename
その後 ACLs
と canRead
関数はその引数 f
を パターンマッチ式 を使って検査します:
であったらブール true
を返し、そうでなければ false
関数 canRead
も同様です—ファイルが書き込み可能もしくは "demo/README"
F* は別に実装された外部のモジュールへのインターフェイスを指定する機能を提供しています。 例えば、ファイルの入出力操作は OS によって実装されていますが、例えば .NET や OCaml のような下層のフレームワークを通じて F* プログラム中で有効にできます。 次のように、そのフレームワークによって提供された単純なインターフェイスを表現できます:
module FileIO
open ACLs
open FileName
assume val read : f:filename{canRead f} -> string
assume val write : f:filename{canWrite f} -> string -> unit
モジュールを使う FileIO
と呼ばれる インターフェイス を定義しました。
は2つの関数 read
と write
assume val
が read
と write
操作 (それらは 値 です) を提供すると 宣言 しましたが、ここではそれらの値を 定義していません —それらは外部のモジュールで提供されます。
assume val
の使用はC言語や他のプログラミング言語の extern
の型は、それが引数 f
に canRead f
が true
に評価されるような filename
したがって型検査器は、引数に対して述語 canRead
が静的に証明されないようなどのような read
1つ目は canWrite f
が true
に評価されるような filename
2つ目は string
で、そのデータはファイル f
関数は unit
を返し、それはおおざっぱにC言語の void
型 unit
もちろん、これらの宣言の重要な点は型シグニチャにおける canRead
と canWrite
コード片がアクセスコントロールポリシーに従っていることをチェックするのは退屈でエラーしやすいでしょう。 たとえそれぞれのアクセスがセキュリティチェックで保護されていたとしても、どうすればそれぞれのチェックが適切であることを確認できるでしょうか? F* を使うことで、この種のコードレビューを自動化できます。
このコードは共通のファイル名を定義する FileIO
を使い、それから複数のファイルを読み書きする staticChecking
module UntrustedClientCode
open FileIO
open FileName
let passwd = "demo/password"
let readme = "demo/README"
let tmp = "demo/tempfile"
let staticChecking () =
let v1 = read tmp in
let v2 = read readme in
(* let v3 = read passwd in -- invalid read, fails type-checking *)
write tmp "hello!"
(* ; write passwd "junk" -- invalid write , fails type-checking *)
と readme
の読み出しと tmp
ファイルを読んだり "junk"
を書き込む行のコメントを外すと、F* 型検査器は passwd
ファイルがそれぞれ型 f:filename{canRead f}
や f:filename{canWrite f}
例えば、この write
Error ex1a-safe-read-write.fst(38,2-47,5): The following problems were found:
Subtyping check failed; expected type f:filename{(canWrite f)};
got type string (ex1a-safe-read-write.fst(43,17-43,23))
ここでは、F* が canWrite passwd
が true
上記の staticChecking
関数は、セキュリティポリシーを指定し、ポリシーの完全で正確な調停を型検査を通じて静的に強制するのにどのように F* を使うことができるかを説明しています。
具体的には、ポリシーを調べてポリシーが許可するときだけ read
を行ない、そうでなければ例外を発生させる checkedRead
exception InvalidRead
val checkedRead : filename -> string
let checkedRead f =
if ACLs.canRead f then FileIO.read f else raise InvalidRead
型は入力ファイル f
ACLs.canRead f
チェックが成功したなら、型検査器は FileIO.read f
練習問題 1a:
ファイル名 f
と文字列 s
を引数に取り、ポリシーをチェックしてファイル f
が書き込み可能か確認し、書き込み可能な場合のみ s
を f
に書き込む checkedWrite
assume val checkedWrite : filename -> string -> unit
exception InvalidWrite
let checkedWrite f s =
if ACLs.canWrite f then FileIO.write f s else raise InvalidWrite
の read
と write
を checkedRead
と checkedWrite
let dynamicChecking () =
let v1 = checkedRead tmp in
let v2 = checkedRead readme in
let v3 = checkedRead passwd in (* this raises exception *)
checkedWrite tmp "hello!";
checkedWrite passwd "junk" (* this raises exception *)
と checkedWrite
は F* によってコンパイル時にあらかじめ行なわれたのと同じチェックを実行時に延期させ、それらのチェックが成功した場合のみその入出力アクションを行なうため、これは安全です。
全てを知らされていませんでしたが、F* 独特の機能のいくつかを最初の例で既に見てきました。 より詳細に見てみましょう。
F* の1つの特徴的な機能はリファインメント型の使用です。
例えば、型 f:filename{canRead f}
は型 filename
の リファインメント です。
値のサブセットのみがこの型、すなわち述語 canRead
伝統的な ML 族の言語では、このような型は表現できません。
一般に、F* におけるリファインメント型は x:t{phi(x)}
このときそれは型 t
のリファインメントで、その要素 x
は式 phi(x)
詳細には 3.5 で、より一般化します。
や canWrite
のような関数の型を書きませんでしたが、(ML 族の他の言語と同様に) F* は (その型が正しいなら) プログラムの型を推論します。
けれども、F* によって推論される型は ML で表現される型よりもより詳細です。
例えば、型推論に加えて、F* は式の 副作用 (例: 例外、状態など) も推論します。
例えば、ML では (canRead "foo.txt")
は型 bool
けれども、F* では (canRead "foo.txt" : Tot bool)
これは canRead "foo.txt"
ついでに言うと、型と作用 Tot t
を持つと推論された式は、(コンピュータが十分なリソースを持っていれば) t
一方、(FileIO.read "foo.txt")
のような式は型と作用 ML string
これはこの項が任意の作用 (ループ、入出力、例外発生、ヒープの変更など) を持つ可能性があり、けれどももしそれがリターンしたなら、常に文字列を返すことを意味しています。
作用の生 ML
はデフォルト、つまり全ての ML プログラムの暗黙の作用を表わしています。
と ML
作用 {Tot, Dv, ST, Exn, ML}
は (その他全ての作用より下位である) 下限に、ML
は (その他全ての作用より上位である) 上限に配置され、ST
と Exn
これは特定の作用を共なう計算が、作用の順序においてその作用より大きいその他の作用を持つと扱えることを意味しています—私達はこの機能を サブ作用 と呼んでいます。
実際、F* では、独自の作用と作用の順序を構成でき、F* にそれらの作用を推論させることができます—しかしそれはより高度な機能で、このチュートリアルの範囲外です。
今後は (例えば Tot
が作用で int
が結果の型である Tot int
のような) 型と作用のペアを、単に型と呼ぶことにします。.
F* は関数型言語で、関数は関数型が割り当てられた第一級の値です。
例えば ML では、ある整数が正であるか判別する関数には型 int -> bool
同様に、整数の最大値を計算する関数 max
には型 int -> int -> int
F* における関数型はより詳細で、引数と返り値の型だけでなく、関数本体の作用も捕捉します。
このように、全ての関数値は t1 -> ... -> tn -> E t
このとき t1 .. tn
そして t
(*上級者への注意: これは作用でインデックスされた依存した関数に一般化されます。)
F* では、上記の純粋関数には作用 Tot
val is_positive : int -> Tot bool
let is_positive i = i > 0
val max : int -> int -> Tot int
let max i1 i2 = if i1 > i2 then i1 else i2
val read : filename -> ML string
(OCaml や F# と同様に、Haskell や Coq と異なり) F* は 値渡し の関数型言語で、関数の引数はその関数に渡される前に、完全に評価されて値になります。 値は (直接の) 作用を持たないので、関数の引数の型は作用の注釈を持ちません。 一方で、関数の本体は非自明な計算を行なうかもしれません。 そのため上記で説明したように、その結果は常に型と作用の両方で与えられます。
練習問題 2a:
上記で見てきたように、定義が予想される型を持つことを F* にチェックさせるために val
と canWrite
について 1.1.1 から予測される型を書いて、それをチェックするよう F* に支持してください。
module FileName
type filename = string
module ACLs
open FileName
val canWrite : unit (* write a correct and precise type here *)
let canWrite (f:filename) =
match f with
| "demo/tempfile" -> true
| _ -> false
val canRead : unit (* write correct and precise type here *)
let canRead (f:filename) =
canWrite f (* writeable files are also readable *)
|| f="demo/README" (* and so is this file *)
注釈がない場合、F* は、入出力を行なうかもしれないか、停止しないかもしれない関数を、作用 ML
を持つと (ときに保守的に) 推論します。
そのため、下記どちらの関数も型 (int -> ML int)
(注意: 再帰関数は ML 族の言語では let rec
let hello_incr i = IO.print_string "hello"; i + 1
let rec loop i = i + loop (i - 1)
val hello_incr i : int -> IO int
let hello_incr i = IO.print_string "hello"; i + 1
val loop : int -> Dv int
let rec loop i = i + loop (i - 1)
プログラムを ML から F* に移植するために、私達はデフォルトの作用を ML
そのため hello_incr
と loop
を表わす通常の ML シグニチャを以下の示すように書くことができます。
これはより明示的な (int -> ML int)
val hello_incr: int -> int
val loop: int -> int
例えば、次の関数は新しいカウンタを作り、それを init
let new_counter init =
let c = ST.alloc init in
fun () -> c := !c + 1; !c
F* は new_counter
が型 int -> ST (unit -> ST int)
型によるとこの関数は、整数が与えられ、参照を読み書きもしくは確保するかもしれず、それから unit -> ST unit
この型を書いて、F* にチェックさせることができます;
もしくはサブ作用を使って、下記のように型を書いて new_counter
が上手く型付けできることを F* にチェックさせることもできます。
val new_counter: int -> ML (unit -> int)
上記の型、int -> ML (unit -> ML int)
の短縮形は、int -> unit -> int
と同じでは ありません 。
後者は int -> Tot (unit -> ML int)
アクセスコントロールリストの最初の例では、どのように F* の型システムがセキュリティ属性の自動的な検査に使うことができるか示しました。 けれども、より興味深いセキュリティに関連したプログラミングと検証を行なう前に、F* の基礎についてより理解を深める必要があります。 ここで戻って、整数を扱う単純な関数のプログラミングと性質の証明を見てみましょう。
F* のコードにおける性質を証明する1つの方法は表明を書くことです。
let a = assert (max 0 1 = 1)
最初の表明は max
別の言語で assert
と呼ばれる構成物を見たことがあるかもしれません—一般に、そのような assert
はコードの性質を 実行時に 検査するために使われ、その表明条件が true
F* では、表明は実行時の意味を持ちません。 その代わりに、F* はその表明条件が真であることを静的に証明しようとします。 そのため実行時に検査されたとしても決っして失敗しません。
この場合、max 0 1 = 1
裏で F* は max
の定義と表明された性質を Z3 と呼ばれる定理証明器に渡して、その性質を自動的に証明します。
let a = assert (forall x y. max x y >= x
&& max x y >= y
&& (max x y = x || max x y = y))
let rec factorial n = if n = 0 then 1 else n * factorial (n - 1)
以前解説した通り、注釈がない場合、F* はこの関数の型を int -> int
であると推論します。これは int -> ML int
の短縮形です—これは F* がこの factorial
が (もしくはどのような再帰関数が) 純粋で全域関数であることを自動的に証明しようとしないことを意味しています。
factorial (-1)
F* の int
これを実際に書いた場合、検査を F* に支持できます:
val factorial: x:int{x>=0} -> Tot int
は値です (‘val factorial
’ 部分で主張しています)
それは 関数 です (矢印型 ‘->
’ で主張しています)
それは 0
以上の整数 x
に対してのみ適用できます (リファインメント型 ‘x:int{x>=0}
’ で主張しています)
に適用されると、それは常に停止し、作用を持たず (‘Tot
’ 部分で主張しています)、そして整数を返します (返り値の型 ‘int
’ で主張しています)
このように書くと、F* は factorial
もちろん、証明における主な興味は x
が非負の場合に factorial x
これがどのように行なわれるかその詳細は章 5 で議論しますが、この場合 F* が非負な数値に対する全ての再帰的な呼び出しは以前の呼び出しでの引数より厳密に小さくなることを証明できると理解すれば十分です。
これは無限に続くかない (最終的に基底ケース 0
に収束する) ので、F* は factorial
非負な整数 (もしくは自然数) の型はありふれたもので、それは省略して定義できます。 (実際、F* では標準の prelude 中でこれは既に定義済みです。)
type nat = x:int{x>=0}
練習問題 3a:
それらを書いて、F* が同意するかどうか確認してください。
val factorial: x:int{x>=0} -> Tot int
let rec factorial n = if n = 0 then 1 else n * factorial (n - 1)
val factorial: int -> int (* inferred by default *)
val factorial: int -> ML int (* same as above *)
val factorial: nat -> Tot int (* total function on nat inputs *)
val factorial: nat -> Tot nat (* stronger result type *)
val factorial: nat -> Tot (y:int{y>=1}) (* even stronger result type *)
練習問題 3b:
let rec fibonacci n =
if n <= 1 then 1 else fibonacci (n - 1) + fibonacci (n - 2)
module Fibonacci
(* val fibonacci : nat -> Tot nat *)
(* val fibonacci : int -> int *)
(* val fibonacci : int -> ML int (same as above) *)
val fibonacci : int -> Tot (x:nat{x>0})
let rec fibonacci n =
if n <= 1 then 1 else fibonacci (n - 1) + fibonacci (n - 2)
関数を書いて、型 (nat -> Tot nat)
すると例えば x > 2
ならば factorial x > x
1つの方法は factorial
の型を修正して、その型を F* に再度証明させることです。
x > 3
ならば factorial x > 2 * x
を定義して nat -> Tot nat
のような一般的な型を与えた後に、F* では (補題と呼ばれる) 他の関数を書くことができます。
補題は、常に単純な unit
の値 ()
を返す ゴースト 全域関数です。
val factorial_is_positive: x:nat -> GTot (u:unit{factorial x > 0})
let rec factorial_is_positive x =
match x with
| 0 -> ()
| _ -> factorial_is_positive (x - 1)
この補題のステートメントは factorial_is_positive
それは x:nat
に対するゴースト全域関数で、リファインメント factorial x > 0
次の3行で factorial_is_positive
F* では (計算上無意味な) ゴーストであるような式は1つの作用です。
の型における作用 GTot
val factorial_is_positive: x:nat -> GTot (u:unit{factorial x > 0})
これは F* における 依存関数型 です。
なぜ 依存 するのでしょうか?
その結果の型はパラメータ x:nat
の 値 に依存しているのです。
例えば、factorial_is_positive 0
は型 Tot (u:unit{factorial 0 > 0))
これは factorial_is_positive 1
x1:t1 -> ... -> xn:tn[x1 ... xn-1] -> E t[x1 ... xn]
関数の正規のパラメータそれぞれは xi
表記 t[x1 ... xm]
は t
中に変数 x1 ... xm
val factorial_is_greater_than_arg1: x:(y:nat{y > 2}) -> GTot (u:unit{factorial x > x})
はそのドメインを 2
このパターンはありふれていて、F* はそのためのシンタックスシュガーを提供しています—factorial
val factorial_is_greater_than_arg2: x:nat{x > 2} -> GTot (u:unit{factorial x > x})
もう1つの疑いようのない不恰好な点は補題の返り値の型で、それは unit
これを簡潔にするために、F* は Lemma
キーワードを提供していて、作用 GTot
の型は (下記の) factorial_is_greater_than_arg3
val factorial_is_greater_than_arg3: x:nat{x > 2} -> Lemma (factorial x > x)
val factorial_is_greater_than_arg4: x:nat -> Lemma (requires (x > 2))
(ensures (factorial x > x))
の後の式は関数/補題の 事前条件 で、ensures
の後の式はその 事後条件 です。
ここで factorial_is_greater_than_arg
let rec factorial_is_greater_than_arg x =
match x with
| 3 -> ()
| _ -> factorial_is_greater_than_arg (x - 1)
この証明は (let rec
で示された) 再帰関数です;
この関数は x
最初のケースは、引数が 3
そのため factorial 3 > 3
F* はこの性質に相当する証明を生成し、前に提供された factorial
の定義が与えられたとき、それを証明できるかどうかを確かめるよう Z3 に要求します—Z3 は factorial 3 = 6
であり、もちろん 6 > 3
すなわち、2番目のケースでは factorial_is_greater_than_arg
の型から x:nat{x > 2}
を、前のケースに当てはまらなかったので x <> 3
別の言い方をすると、2つ目のケースは帰納ステップで、x > 3
forall n, 2 < n < x ==> factorial n > n
そしてゴールは factorial x > x
もしくは等価に、factorial (x - 1) > x - 1
が既知であるときに x * factorial (x - 1) > x
さらにもしくは x*x - x > x
を証明することになり—これは x > 3
どのように F* でこれが形式的に行なわれるか見てみましょう。
全域再帰関数を定義するとき、定義されるその関数 (この場合 factorial_is_greater_than_arg
) はその定義の本体で使うことができます。
このケースでは、定義本体中の factorial_is_greater_than_arg
n:nat{2 < n && n < x} -> Lemma (factorial n > n)
2番目のケースで factorial_is_greater_than_arg (x - 1)
を呼び出すことで、実質的に帰納法の仮定を使用して factorial (x - 1) > x - 1
を証明し、2 < x - 1 && x - 1 < x
を証明できます—これを Z3 に証明させると、このケースでは x > 3
最後に、x > 3
と 帰納法の仮定を使って得られた性質からゴールである factorial x > x
を証明しなければなりません: Z3 は再びこれをたやすく証明してくれます。
練習問題 3c:
val fibonacci : nat -> Tot nat
let rec fibonacci n =
if n <= 1 then 1 else fibonacci (n - 1) + fibonacci (n - 2)
val fibonacci_greater_than_arg : n:nat{n >= 2} -> Lemma (fibonacci n >= n)
let rec fibonacci_greater_than_arg n =
match n with
| 2 -> ()
| _ -> fibonacci_greater_than_arg (n-1)
例えば、ケース分析を行なっている際、ケースは自明で F* が自動的に解決できるのか、ケースが手動での証明を必要としているのかしばしば知りたくなります。
1つのケースの全てを承認 (admit) することでこれを実現できます。
F* が補題を自動的に証明できるなら、そのケースは自明です。
このような目的のために、F* は admit
let rec factorial_is_greater_than_arg x =
match x with
| 3 -> ()
| _ -> admit()
と Type
の詳細もしこのタイトルが不可解に思えたなら、はじめて読む際にこの章をスキップすることができます。 けれどもリファインメント型で量化された式を使いはじめるなら、この章を理解しているか確かめるべきです。
以前、リファイメント型は x:t{phi(x)}
は実際には型で、値 x:t
b2t (b:bool) : Type = (b == true)
型 ‘==
’ は等式の述語を表わす型コンストラクタです;
それは ‘=
’ とは異なり、値のペアを比較するブール関数です。
加えて ‘==
’ はヘテロジニアスです:
対照的に ‘=
’ はホモジニアスです。
命題の結合 /\
, \/
, ~
はそれぞれ論理積, 論理和, 否定を表わし、それらは型コンストラクタです。
また単方向と双方向の論理包含を表わす ==>
と <==>
対照的に &&
, ||
, not
から Type
全称量化 forall
と存在量化 exists
は Type
canRead e /\ forall x. canWrite x ==> canRead x
b2t(canRead e) /\ forall x. b2t(canWrite x) ==> b2t(canRead x)
一方、次の式は正しくありません; F* はこれを拒否します:
canRead e && forall x. canWrite x ==> canRead x
その理由はこの量化は型で、その一方 &&
次は F* での (イミュータブルな) リストの標準的な定義です。
type list 'a =
| Nil : list 'a
| Cons : hd:'a -> tl:list 'a -> list 'a
F* でのデータ型のコンストラクタにはいくつかの重要な慣習があります。
コンストラクタ型に作用を書かなかった場合、その結果のデフォルトの作用 (関数型とは対照的に) は Tot
そのため Cons: 'a -> list 'a -> list 'a
と書いたなら、F* はそれを Cons: 'a -> Tot (list 'a -> Tot (list 'a))
そのため通常上記のような帰納型を定義して、(アンカリー化された) Cons(hd,tl)
(カリー化された) Cons hd tl
そのため Cons hd
のときその型は list 'a -> Tot (list 'a)
型は F* の標準の prelude で定義されていて、全ての F* プログラム中で暗黙的に有効です。
リストコンストラクタに対して特別な (しかし標準的な) 構文が提供されています:
は Nil
は Cons v1 ... (Cons vn Nil)
は Cons hd tl
(例えば Cons
を部分適用するといった) 有用な場面では、Nil
と Cons
リストに対する通常の関数は、他の ML 方言と同様に F* でも書くことができます。
次は length
val length: list 'a -> Tot nat
let rec length l = match l with
| [] -> 0
| _ :: tl -> 1 + length tl
の型は、この関数が 'a
練習問題 4a:
次は2つのリストを連結する append
let rec append l1 l2 = match l1 with
| [] -> l2
| hd :: tl -> hd :: append tl l2
長さがその引数の長さの和となるようなリストを常に返すような型を append
練習問題 4b:
val append:list 'a -> list 'a -> Tot (list 'a)
val append_len: l1:list 'a -> l2:list 'a
-> Lemma (requires True)
(ensures (length (append l1 l2) = length l1 + length l2)))
let rec append_len l1 l2 = match l1 with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> append_len tl l2
練習問題 4c:
が l
中に存在するかどうかを判定する関数 mem: x:'a -> l:list 'a -> Tot bool
val append_mem: l1:list 'a -> l2:list 'a -> a:'a
-> Lemma (ensures (mem a (append l1 l2) <==> mem a l1 || mem a l2))
val mem: 'a -> list 'a -> Tot bool
let rec mem a l = match l with
| [] -> false
| hd::tl -> hd=a || mem a tl
val append_mem: l1:list 'a -> l2:list 'a -> a:'a
-> Lemma (ensures (mem a (append l1 l2) <==> mem a l1 || mem a l2))
let rec append_mem l1 l2 a = match l1 with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> append_mem tl l2 a
前章の練習問題のように、関数の型を強化したり、その関数に関する分離した補題を書くことで性質を証明できます—私達はそれらをそれぞれ ‘intrinsic’ スタイルと ‘extrinsic’ スタイルと呼んでいます。
(例えば length
が nat
を返すといったような) 一般に有用な性質は intrinsic な仕様が相応しいでしょう;
val reverse: list 'a -> Tot (list 'a)
let rec reverse = function
| [] -> []
| hd::tl -> append (reverse tl) [hd]
リファインメント型を使って reverse
の型にこの性質を 明記 することができます。
val reverse: f:(list 'a -> Tot (list 'a)){forall l. l = f (f l)}
けれども、F* はこれを reverse
この性質を証明するには2つの分離された帰納が必要で、そのどちらも F* は自動的に行ないません。
その代わりに、2つの補題を使ってこの性質を証明できます。 それらの補題は次のようになります:
let snoc l h = append l [h]
val snoc_cons: l:list 'a -> h:'a -> Lemma (reverse (snoc l h) = h::reverse l)
let rec snoc_cons l h = match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> snoc_cons tl h
val rev_involutive: l:list 'a -> Lemma (reverse (reverse l) = l)
let rec rev_involutive l = match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> rev_involutive tl; snoc_cons (reverse tl) hd
の Cons
ケースでは、帰納法の仮定だけでなく上記せ証明済みの補題 snoc_cons
練習問題 4d:
val rev_injective: l1:list 'a -> l2:list 'a
-> Lemma (requires (reverse l1 = reverse l2))
(ensures (l1 = l2))
val snoc_injective: l1:list 'a -> h1:'a -> l2:list 'a -> h2:'a
-> Lemma (requires (snoc l1 h1 = snoc l2 h2))
(ensures (l1 = l2 && h1 = h2))
let rec snoc_injective l1 h1 l2 h2 = match l1, l2 with
| _::tl1, _::tl2 -> snoc_injective tl1 h1 tl2 h2
| _ -> ()
val rev_injective1: l1:list 'a -> l2:list 'a
-> Lemma (requires (reverse l1 = reverse l2))
(ensures (l1 = l2)) (decreases l1)
let rec rev_injective1 l1 l2 =
match l1,l2 with
| h1::t1, h2::t2 ->
// assert(reverse (h1::t1) = reverse (h2::t2));
// assert(snoc (reverse t1) h1 = snoc (reverse t2) h2);
snoc_injective (reverse t1) h1 (reverse t2) h2;
// assert(reverse t1 = reverse t2 /\ h1 = h2);
rev_injective1 t1 t2
// assert(t1 = t2 /\ h1::t1 = h2::t2)
| _, _ -> ()
これは退屈な証明ではないでしょうか。 次はより簡潔な証明です。
val rev_injective2: l1:list 'a -> l2:list 'a
-> Lemma (requires (reverse l1 = reverse l2))
(ensures (l1 = l2))
let rev_injective2 l1 l2 = rev_involutive l1; rev_involutive l2
証明 rev_injective2
そのため l1
これで SMT ソルバに reverse (reverse l1) = l1
と reverse (reverse l2) = l2
次はおなじみの map
let rec map f l = match l with
| [] -> []
| hd::tl -> f hd :: map f tl
これは関数 f
とリスト l
のそれぞれの要素に f
より正確には map f [a1; ...; an]
はリスト [f a1; ...; f an]
map (fun x -> x + 1) [0;1;2] = [1;2;3]
通常、仕様がない場合、F* は map
の型を ('a -> 'b) -> list 'a -> list 'b
の型は ('a -> ML 'b) -> Tot (list 'a -> ML (list 'b))
の型もデフォルトでは作用 ML
に 異なる 型を与えることができます:
val map: ('a -> Tot 'b) -> list 'a -> Tot (list 'b)
この型は F* が推論した型のサブタイプでもスーパータイプでもありません。
にもっと汎用的な型を与えたいと思うかもしれません。 あらゆる作用E
を共ない、同じ作用を持つ関数を返す関数を許容したいと思うでしょう。 これは作用に対して多相の一種を要求することになりますが、F* はそのような多相をサポートしていません。 このためいくらかードの重複を誘発します。 私達はこれを解決するために、アドホックなオーバライド機構を用いて、値に対して1つ以上の型を書けるようになるよう計画しています。
練習問題 4e:
ブール関数 f
とリスト l
が真になる l
の最初の要素を返す find
要素が見つからないときは find
は None
このためいつもの option
型を使います (これは以下に示されていますが、F* の標準 prelude でも有効です)。
type option 'a =
| None : option 'a
| Some : 'a -> option 'a
let rec find f l = match l with
| [] -> None
| hd::tl -> if f hd then Some hd else find f tl
が Some x
を返すなら f x = true
これは intrinsic と extrinsic どちらで行なうのが良いでしょうか?
module Find
type option 'a =
| None : option 'a
| Some : 'a -> option 'a
(* The intrinsic style is more convenient in this case *)
val find : f:('a -> Tot bool) -> list 'a -> Tot (option (x:'a{f x}))
let rec find f l = match l with
| [] -> None
| hd::tl -> if f hd then Some hd else find f tl
(* Extrinsically things are more verbose, since we are basically duplicating
the structure of find in find_some. It's still not too bad. *)
val find' : f:('a -> Tot bool) -> list 'a -> Tot (option 'a)
let rec find' f l = match l with
| [] -> None
| hd::tl -> if f hd then Some hd else find' f tl
val find_some : f:('a -> Tot bool) -> l:list 'a -> x:'a -> Lemma
(requires (find' f l = Some x))
(ensures (f x = true))
let rec find_some f l x =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> if f hd then () else find_some f tl x
練習問題 4f:
次のようなリストに対する fold_left
fold_left f [b1; ...; bn] a = f (bn, ... (f b2 (f b1 a)))
(fold_left Cons l [] = reverse l)
val fold_left_cons_is_reverse: l:list 'a -> l':list 'a ->
Lemma (fold_left Cons l l' = append (reverse l) l')
val fold_left: f:('b -> 'a -> Tot 'a) -> l:list 'b -> 'a -> Tot 'a
let rec fold_left f l a = match l with
| Nil -> a
| Cons hd tl -> fold_left f tl (f hd a)
val append_cons: l:list 'a -> hd:'a -> tl:list 'a ->
Lemma (append l (Cons hd tl) = append (append l (Cons hd Nil)) (tl))
let rec append_cons l hd tl = match l with
| Nil -> ()
| Cons hd' tl' ->
append_cons tl' hd tl
val snoc_append: l:list 'a -> h:'a -> Lemma (snoc l h = append l (Cons h Nil))
let rec snoc_append l h = match l with
| Nil -> ()
| Cons hd tl ->
snoc_append tl h
val reverse_append: tl:list 'a -> hd:'a ->
Lemma (reverse (Cons hd tl) = append (reverse tl) (Cons hd Nil))
let reverse_append tl hd = snoc_append (reverse tl) hd
val fold_left_cons_is_reverse: l:list 'a -> l':list 'a ->
Lemma (fold_left Cons l l' = append (reverse l) l')
let rec fold_left_cons_is_reverse l l' = match l with
| Nil -> ()
| Cons hd tl ->
fold_left_cons_is_reverse tl (Cons hd l');
append_cons (reverse tl) hd l';
reverse_append tl hd
帰納型のそれぞれの定義対して、F* は多くの有用な関数を自動的に導入します: それぞれのコンストラクタには、discriminator が手に入り; それぞれのコンストラクタのそれぞれの引数には、projector が手に入ります。 実行例として (以下に繰り返し示す) リスト型を使ってこれらを次に説明します。
type list 'a =
| Nil : list 'a
| Cons : hd:'a -> tl:list 'a -> list 'a
discriminator はブール値の全域関数で、項が個別のコンストラクタの適用であるかどうか調べます。
型に対して、2つの discriminator が手に入ります:
val is_Nil: list 'a -> Tot bool
let is_Nil xs = match xs with [] -> true | _ -> false
val is_Cons: list 'a -> Tot bool
let is_Cons xs = match xs with _::_-> true | _ -> false
コンストラクタの型から、F* は次のシグニチャを生成します:
val Cons.hd : l:list 'a{is_Cons l} -> Tot 'a
val Cons.tl : l:list 'a{is_Cons l} -> Tot (list 'a)
(ここでは Cons.hd
の型での名前 hd
と tl
それらは自動生成された projector の名前に相当します。
もしデータコンストラクタの引数に名前をつけなかったら、F* は名前を自動生成します。
練習問題 4g:
その型が Cons.hd
と Cons.tl
の型にマッチする (hd
と tl
という名前の) 関数を書いてください。
module HdTl
val hd : l:list 'a{is_Cons l} -> Tot 'a
val tl : l:list 'a{is_Cons l} -> Tot (list 'a)
val hd : l:list 'a{is_Cons l} -> Tot 'a
let hd l =
match l with
| h :: t -> h
val tl : l:list 'a{is_Cons l} -> Tot (list 'a)
let tl l =
match l with
| h :: t -> t
練習問題 4h:
リストの n
(* ここにコードを書いてください *)
val nth : l:list 'a -> n:nat{n < length l} -> 'a
let rec nth l n =
match l with
| h :: t -> if n = 0 then h else nth t (n-1)
F* はタプルに対するシンタックスシュガーを提供しています。 タプルは単なる帰納型です: 2–8 サイズのタプルは標準 prelude で定義されています。 (もし必要なら追加できます。) 次は prelude におけるペアの定義です:
type tuple2 'a 'b =
| MkTuple2: _1:'a -> _2:'b -> tuple2 'a 'b
MkTuple2 5 7
の代わりに (5, 7)
と書くことができ、ペアには tuple2 int int
を短縮した型 (int * int)
この表記は、prelude で定義された関連した tupleN
また F* はレコードに対する構文も提供します。 けれどもレコードは (タプルと同じように) 単一コンストラクタのデータ型に内部で要約されます。 次はこの例です:
type triple 'a 'b 'c = {fst:'a; snd:'b; third:'c}
let f x = x.fst + x.snd + x.third
F* はこのプログラムを受け付け、f
に型 (triple int int int -> Tot int)
type triple 'a 'b 'c =
| MkTriple: fst:'a -> snd:'b -> third:'c -> triple 'a 'b 'c
let f x = MkTriple.fst x + MkTriple.snd x + MkTriple.third x
F* は全ての純粋な関数は停止することが証明されています。 F* で使われている停止性の検査は syntactic condition ではなく semantic criterion に基づいています。 F* の停止性検査の基本の概略を説明します—より興味深いプログラムを書くためには停止性について理解が必要になります。
F* で関数の停止を証明するために、ある尺度を提供します:
F* はそれぞれの再帰呼び出しでこの尺度が厳密に減少することを検査します。
呼び出しにおける引数に対するこの尺度は、F* の値に対する整礎半順序に従って、前回の呼び出しでの尺度と比較されます。
この順序で v1
が v2
より 小さい とき、v1 << v2
は整礎半順序です。 例えば、自然数の集合nat
は整礎半順序です (実際にはこれは全順序です)。
整数に対する順序: i, j : nat
が与えられたとき、i << j <==> i < j
注意: 単なる 半 順序なので、負の整数は <<
が v1
から vn
の引数に適用されたコンストラクタであるような) 帰納型のどのような値 D v1 ... vn
に対しても、全ての i
において v_i << v
(この規則の例外は次の lex_t
lex_t に対する辞書式順序: 以下で説明します。
昔ながらの関数 ackermann
val ackermann: m:nat -> n:nat -> Tot nat
let rec ackermann m n =
if m=0 then n + 1
else if n = 0 then ackermann (m - 1) 1
else ackermann (m - 1) (ackermann m (n - 1))
それぞれの再帰呼び出しにおいて、全ての引数が前回の呼び出しでの引数より厳密に小さく ならない ケースがあります。
例えば2番目の分岐において n
は 0
から 1
けれどもこの関数は実際に停止し、F* はそれを証明します。
その理由は、全ての再帰呼び出しにおいてそれぞれの引数は減少していませんが、それらを一緒に取るとき、引数 (m,n)
の順序ペアはペアの 辞書式順序 に従って減少しているからです。
標準 prelude では、F* は次の帰納型を定義しています:
type lex_t =
| LexTop : lex_t
| LexCons : #a:Type -> a -> lex_t -> lex_t
記号は1番目の引数が暗黙的であるとマークしています。8.3.1 を見てください。)
の辞書式順序 は次のようになります:
もし v1 << v1'
かつ v2 << v2'
ならば、LexCons v1 v2 << LexCons v1' v2'
もし v:lex_t
かつ v <> LexTop
ならば v << LexTop
は(LexCons v1 ... (LexCons vn LexTop))
val f: y1:t1 -> .. -> yn:tn -> Tot t
let rec f x1 .. xn = e
通常 ML では e
を型検査するとき、再帰的に束縛された関数 f
に、型 y1:t1 -> .. -> yn:tn -> Tot t
で e
停止性を証明するために (すなわちを無限の深い再帰呼び出しを除外するために)、F* は再帰関数の型検査に異なる規則を用います。
次に示すより制限された型においてのみ、再帰的に束縛された名前 f
は e
-> ...
-> yn:tn{%[y1;...;yn] << %[x1;...;xn]}
-> Tot t
すなわち、デフォルトでは F* は関数のパラメータが (全ての関数型のパラメータを除いてパラメータが出現する順序で) そのパラメータの辞書式順序に従って減少することを要求します。 (このデフォルトを上書きする方法があります—章 5.2.2 を見てください。)
F* は ackermann
1. let rec ackermann m n =
2. if m=0 then n + 1
3. else if n = 0 then ackermann (m - 1) 1
4. else ackermann (m - 1)
5. (ackermann m (n - 1))
ackermann : nat -> nat -> Tot nat
F* はこの関数にデフォルトの停止性メトリクスを与えます。 そのためこの関数は次のように展開されます:
ackermann : m:nat -> n:nat -> Tot nat (decreases %[m;n])
この例では、この節は ackermann
の本体中の再帰呼び出しを表わす次のようなより制限された型を F* 型検査器に使わせます:
ackermann: m':nat
-> n':nat{%[m';n'] << %[m;n]}
-> Tot nat
行3の呼び出しに対して、%[(m - 1);1] << %[m;n]
整数の順序に従って m - 1 << m
行5の呼び出しに対して、%[m; (n-1)] << %[m; n]
そしてそれは n - 1 << n
もし単純に ackermann
そして、最初に m
を比較してから n
を比較するような辞書式順序を選択する decreases
val ackermann_swap: n:nat -> m:nat -> Tot nat (decreases %[m;n])
let rec ackermann_swap n m =
if m=0 then n + 1
else if n = 0 then ackermann_swap 1 (m - 1)
else ackermann_swap (ackermann_swap (n - 1) m)
(m - 1)
この任意の decreases
節は作用 Tot
練習問題 5a:
次はリストの逆順関数のより効率的な (末尾再帰の) 変種です。
val rev : l1:list 'a -> l2:list 'a -> Tot (list 'a) (decreases l2)
let rec rev l1 l2 =
match l2 with
| [] -> l1
| hd::tl -> rev (hd::l1) tl
val rev_is_ok : l:list 'a -> Lemma (rev [] l = reverse l)
val append_assoc : xs:list 'a -> ys:list 'a -> zs:list 'a -> Lemma
(ensures (append (append xs ys) zs = append xs (append ys zs)))
let rec append_assoc xs ys zs =
match xs with
| [] -> ()
| x::xs' -> append_assoc xs' ys zs
val rev_is_ok_aux : l1:list 'a -> l2:list 'a -> Lemma
(ensures (rev l1 l2 = append (reverse l2) l1)) (decreases l2)
let rec rev_is_ok_aux l1 l2 =
match l2 with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> rev_is_ok_aux (hd::l1) tl; append_assoc (reverse tl) [hd] l1
val append_nil : xs:list 'a -> Lemma
(ensures (append xs [] = xs))
let rec append_nil xs =
match xs with
| [] -> ()
| _::tl -> append_nil tl
val rev_is_ok : l:list 'a -> Lemma (rev [] l = reverse l)
let rev_is_ok l = rev_is_ok_aux [] l; append_nil (reverse l)
練習問題 5b:
次はフィボナッチ関数のより効率的な (末尾再帰の) 変種です。
val fib : nat -> nat -> n:nat -> Tot nat (decreases n)
let rec fib a b n =
match n with
| 0 -> a
| _ -> fib b (a+b) (n-1)
val fib_is_ok : n:nat -> Lemma (fib 1 1 n = fibonacci n)
val fib_is_ok_aux : i:nat -> n:nat{i<=n} ->
Tot (u:unit{fib (fibonacci i) (fibonacci (i+1)) (n-i) = fibonacci n})
(decreases (n-i))
let rec fib_is_ok_aux i n =
if i=n then ()
else fib_is_ok_aux (i+1) n
val fib_is_ok : n:nat -> Lemma (fib 1 1 n = fibonacci n)
let fib_is_ok n = fib_is_ok_aux 0 n
相互再帰関数に対しても、停止性の証明に対する同じ戦略が使えます。 相互再帰関数の場合、 F* の停止性検査器は、全ての直接もしくは相互再帰呼び出しが呼び出された関数の停止性メトリクスを減少させることを要求します。 これは非常に強い要求です。 次の例を考えてみましょう:
val foo : l:list int -> Tot int
val bar : l:list int -> Tot int
let rec foo l = match l with
| [] -> 0
| x::xs -> bar xs
and bar l = foo l
を通して) foo
けれども bar
からの foo
2つの関数が停止することを F* に納得させるために、カスタムのメトリクスを使うことができます:
val foo : l:list int -> Tot int (decreases %[l;0])
val bar : l:list int -> Tot int (decreases %[l;1])
と bar
のメトリクスは両方とも、1つ目は引数 l
で2つ目は 0
もしくは 1
からの bar
呼び出しは l
からの foo
呼び出しは l
を同じ値で保ちますが2番目の要素を 1
から 0
ここで、これまで学んできた様々な機能を練習する2つの完全なプログラムを見てみましょう。 そのぞれの練習では、それらのプログラムを修正したり一般化したりするための練習問題があります。
整数のリストを昇順にソートする関数 sorted
val sorted: list int -> Tot bool
let rec sorted l = match l with
| [] -> true
| [x] -> true
| x::y::xs -> x <= y && sorted (y::xs)
ソートアルゴリズム sort
このとき mem
は、先のリストの練習問題でのリストのメンバーシップ関数です (章 4.1 を見てください)。
sorted (sort l) /\ ( forall i. mem i l <==> mem i (sort l) )
次はクイックソートアルゴリズムの単純な実装です。 この実装は常にリストの1つ目の要素をピボットとして取り出し; リストの残りをピボット以上の要素を含む区画とそれ以外を含む区画に分け; それらの区画を再帰的にソートし; そして返る前に中央にピボッドを挿入します。
let rec sort l = match l with
| [] -> []
| pivot::tl ->
let hi, lo = partition (fun x -> pivot <= x) tl in
append (sort lo) (pivot::sort hi)
練習問題 6a:
partition 関数を書いて、それが全域であることを証明してください。
val partition: ('a -> Tot bool) -> list 'a -> Tot (list 'a * list 'a)
次の定義は F* のリストライブラリに含まれています。
val partition: ('a -> Tot bool) -> list 'a -> Tot (list 'a * list 'a)
let rec partition f = function
| [] -> [], []
| hd::tl ->
let l1, l2 = partition f tl in
if f hd
then hd::l1, l2
else l1, hd::l2
を明記する本質的に sort
F* にこれを証明させてみてください。
val sort0: l:list int -> Tot (m:list int{sorted m /\ (forall i. mem i l <==> mem i m) })
これを表わすために、decreases 節を追加する必要があります。
と sorted
val sort: l:list int -> Tot (m:list int{sorted m
/\ forall i. mem i l <==> mem i m})
(decreases (length l))
そして次は partition
と sorted
val partition_lemma: f:('a -> Tot bool)
-> l:list 'a
-> Lemma (requires True)
(ensures ((length (fst (partition f l))
+ length (snd (partition f l)) = length l
/\ (forall x. mem x (fst (partition f l)) ==> f x)
/\ (forall x. mem x (snd (partition f l)) ==> not (f x))
/\ (forall x. mem x l = (mem x (fst (partition f l))
|| mem x (snd (partition f l)))))))
let rec partition_lemma f l = match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> partition_lemma f tl
仕様中で fst (partition f l)
のような繰り返されるサブ項は、型における let
val sorted_concat_lemma: l1:list int{sorted l1}
-> l2:list int{sorted l2}
-> pivot:int
-> Lemma (requires ((forall y. mem y l1 ==> not (pivot <= y))
/\ (forall y. mem y l2 ==> pivot <= y)))
(ensures (sorted (append l1 (pivot::l2))))
let rec sorted_concat_lemma l1 l2 pivot = match l1 with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> sorted_concat_lemma tl l2 pivot
最後に、以前の練習問題で示した補題の全称量化された変種 append_mem
val append_mem: l1:list 'a
-> l2:list 'a
-> Lemma (requires True)
(ensures (forall a. mem a (append l1 l2) = (mem a l1 || mem a l2)))
let rec append_mem l1 l2 = match l1 with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> append_mem tl l2
(章 4.1 の) rev_injective
すぐに上手く行きますが、証明を通すために補題を呼び出して sort
let cmp i j = i <= j
val sort_tweaked: l:list int -> Tot (m:list int{sorted m /\ (forall i. mem i l = mem i m)})
(decreases (length l))
let rec sort_tweaked l = match l with
| [] -> []
| pivot::tl ->
let hi', lo' = partition (cmp pivot) tl in
partition_lemma (cmp pivot) tl;
let hi = sort_tweaked hi' in
let lo = sort_tweaked lo' in
append_mem lo (pivot::hi);
sorted_concat_lemma lo hi pivot;
append lo (pivot::hi)
これは上手く行きますが、少し不恰好です。 補題を呼び出して実装を汚す必要があっただけでなく、それらの呼び出しのために、それらの補題への引数のために名前を束縛できるようにコードを書き換えなければなりませんでした。 これは改善することができます。
もし partition
と sorted
に補題を使って早明した性質を捕捉するより豊かな intrinsic な型を与えたいだけなら、クイックソートの実装を汚したくありませんでした。
これは intrinsic な証明スタイルを使う重要な利点です—partition (fun x -> pivot <= x) tl
の型を sorted_concat_lemma
もし補題によって関数 f
について証明された性質を、遡って直接 f
全ての適用 f x
F* は、このような intrinsic と extrinsic な証明のギャップを埋める方法を提供します。
仮に次のような partition_lemma
の型を書いたとします—唯一の違いは最後の行で、[SMTPat (partition f l)]
この行は、項 partition f l
の全ての出現とその補題によって証明された性質を関連付けるよう、F* と SMT ソルバに支持します。
val partition_lemma: f:('a -> Tot bool)
-> l:list 'a
-> Lemma (requires True)
(ensures ((length (fst (partition f l))
+ length (snd (partition f l)) = length l
/\ (forall x. mem x (fst (partition f l)) ==> f x)
/\ (forall x. mem x (snd (partition f l)) ==> not (f x))
/\ (forall x. mem x l = (mem x (fst (partition f l))
|| mem x (snd (partition f l)))))))
[SMTPat (partition f l)]
同様に、次は sorted_concat_lemma
このとき、補題の性質を特化した項にのみ関連付けるよう、F* と SMT ソルバに支持します:
sorted (append 11 (pivot::l2))
受け入れ可能な検証時間にするために、より特化したパターンを与えることで、SMT ソルバが補題をより区別して適用するようになります。
val sorted_concat_lemma: l1:list int{sorted l1}
-> l2:list int{sorted l2}
-> pivot:int
-> Lemma (requires ((forall y. mem y l1 ==> not (pivot <= y))
/\ (forall y. mem y l2 ==> pivot <= y)))
(ensures (sorted (append l1 (pivot::l2))))
[SMTPat (sorted (append l1 (pivot::l2)))]
最後に、同じ方法で append_mem
val append_mem: l1:list 'a
-> l2:list 'a
-> Lemma (requires True)
(ensures (forall a. mem a (append l1 l2) = (mem a l1 || mem a l2)))
[SMTPat (append l1 l2)]
let rec append_mem l1 l2 = match l1 with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> append_mem tl l2
の詳細を理解するために、SMT ソルバの量化に対するパターン (別名、トリガー) を少し研究しなければなりません。
これらの改良されたシグニチャを使って、元に行なっていたのと同じ sort
SMT ソルバは与えた補題から必要な性質を暗黙的に導出します。
let cmp i j = i <= j
val sort: l:list int -> Tot (m:list int{sorted m /\ (forall i. mem i l = mem i m)})
(decreases (length l))
let rec sort l = match l with
| [] -> []
| pivot::tl ->
let hi, lo = partition (cmp pivot) tl in
append (sort lo) (pivot::sort hi)
練習問題 6b:
(次に与える) 実装からはじめて、単なる整数のリストの代わりに任意の要素の型を持つリストで動作できるように、sort
(* "エディタに読み込む" リンクのコードからはじめてください *)
module QuickSortPoly
val mem: 'a -> list 'a -> Tot bool
let rec mem a l = match l with
| [] -> false
| hd::tl -> hd=a || mem a tl
val append : list 'a -> list 'a -> Tot (list 'a)
let rec append l1 l2 = match l1 with
| [] -> l2
| hd :: tl -> hd :: append tl l2
val append_mem: l1:list 'a
-> l2:list 'a
-> Lemma (requires True)
(ensures (forall a. mem a (append l1 l2) = (mem a l1 || mem a l2)))
[SMTPat (append l1 l2)]
let rec append_mem l1 l2 = match l1 with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> append_mem tl l2
val length: list 'a -> Tot nat
let rec length l = match l with
| [] -> 0
| _ :: tl -> 1 + length tl
(* Specification of sortedness according to some comparison function f *)
val sorted: ('a -> 'a -> Tot bool) -> list 'a -> Tot bool
let rec sorted f l = match l with
| [] -> true
| [x] -> true
| x::y::xs -> f x y && sorted f (y::xs)
val partition: ('a -> Tot bool) -> list 'a -> Tot (list 'a * list 'a)
let rec partition f = function
| [] -> [], []
| hd::tl ->
let l1, l2 = partition f tl in
if f hd
then hd::l1, l2
else l1, hd::l2
val partition_lemma: f:('a -> Tot bool)
-> l:list 'a
-> Lemma (requires True)
(ensures ((length (fst (partition f l))
+ length (snd (partition f l)) = length l
/\ (forall x. mem x (fst (partition f l)) ==> f x)
/\ (forall x. mem x (snd (partition f l)) ==> not (f x))
/\ (forall x. mem x l = (mem x (fst (partition f l))
|| mem x (snd (partition f l)))))))
[SMTPat (partition f l)]
let rec partition_lemma f l = match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> partition_lemma f tl
(* Defining a new predicate symbol *)
opaque type total_order (a:Type) (f: (a -> a -> Tot bool)) =
(forall a. f a a) (* reflexivity *)
/\ (forall a1 a2. (f a1 a2 /\ a1<>a2) <==> not (f a2 a1)) (* anti-symmetry *)
/\ (forall a1 a2 a3. f a1 a2 /\ f a2 a3 ==> f a1 a3) (* transitivity *)
val sorted_concat_lemma: f:('a -> 'a -> Tot bool)
-> l1:list 'a{sorted f l1}
-> l2:list 'a{sorted f l2}
-> pivot:'a
-> Lemma (requires (total_order 'a f
/\ (forall y. mem y l1 ==> not (f pivot y))
/\ (forall y. mem y l2 ==> f pivot y)))
(ensures (sorted f (append l1 (pivot::l2))))
[SMTPat (sorted f (append l1 (pivot::l2)))]
let rec sorted_concat_lemma f l1 l2 pivot = match l1 with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> sorted_concat_lemma f tl l2 pivot
val sort: f:('a -> 'a -> Tot bool){total_order 'a f}
-> l:list 'a
-> Tot (m:list 'a{sorted f m /\ (forall i. mem i l = mem i m)})
(decreases (length l))
let rec sort f l = match l with
| [] -> []
| pivot::tl ->
let hi, lo = partition (f pivot) tl in
append (sort f lo) (pivot::sort f hi)
練習問題 6c:
上記と同じ仕様を持ち、けれどリストのいくつかの要素を捨ててしまうような sort
(* "エディタに読み込む" リンクのコードからはじめてください *)
この仕様は結果のリストが最初のリストの置換であることを保証していません: この仕様は要素を捨てたり繰り返したりすることができてしまいます。
module QuickSortPoly
val mem: 'a -> list 'a -> Tot bool
let rec mem a l = match l with
| [] -> false
| hd::tl -> hd=a || mem a tl
(* append now duplicates the elements of the first list *)
val append : list 'a -> list 'a -> Tot (list 'a)
let rec append l1 l2 = match l1 with
| [] -> l2
| hd :: tl -> hd :: hd :: append tl l2
val append_mem: l1:list 'a
-> l2:list 'a
-> Lemma (requires True)
(ensures (forall a. mem a (append l1 l2) = (mem a l1 || mem a l2)))
[SMTPat (append l1 l2)]
let rec append_mem l1 l2 = match l1 with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> append_mem tl l2
val length: list 'a -> Tot nat
let rec length l = match l with
| [] -> 0
| _ :: tl -> 1 + length tl
val sorted: list int -> Tot bool
let rec sorted l = match l with
| [] -> true
| [x] -> true
| x::y::xs -> x <= y && sorted (y::xs)
val partition: ('a -> Tot bool) -> list 'a -> Tot (list 'a * list 'a)
let rec partition f = function
| [] -> [], []
| hd::tl ->
let l1, l2 = partition f tl in
if f hd
then hd::l1, l2
else l1, hd::l2
val partition_lemma: f:('a -> Tot bool)
-> l:list 'a
-> Lemma (requires True)
(ensures ((length (fst (partition f l)) + length (snd (partition f l)) = length l
/\ (forall x. mem x (fst (partition f l)) ==> f x)
/\ (forall x. mem x (snd (partition f l)) ==> not (f x))
/\ (forall x. mem x l = (mem x (fst (partition f l)) || mem x (snd (partition f l)))))))
[SMTPat (partition f l)]
let rec partition_lemma f l = match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> partition_lemma f tl
val sorted_concat_lemma: l1:list int{sorted l1}
-> l2:list int{sorted l2}
-> pivot:int
-> Lemma (requires ((forall y. mem y l1 ==> not (pivot <= y))
/\ (forall y. mem y l2 ==> pivot <= y)))
(ensures (sorted (append l1 (pivot::l2))))
[SMTPat (sorted (append l1 (pivot::l2)))]
let rec sorted_concat_lemma l1 l2 pivot = match l1 with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> sorted_concat_lemma tl l2 pivot
opaque type match_head (l1:list int) (l2:list int) =
(l1 = [] /\ l2 = []) \/
(exists h t1 t2. l1 = h::t1 /\ l2 = h::t2)
val dedup: l:list int{sorted l} -> Tot (l2:list int{sorted l2 /\ (forall i. mem i l = mem i l2) /\ match_head l l2})
let rec dedup l =
match l with
| [] -> []
| [x] -> [x]
| h::h2::t ->
if h = h2 then dedup (h2::t)
else h::dedup (h2::t)
let cmp i j = i <= j
val sort: l:list int -> Tot (m:list int{sorted m /\ (forall i. mem i l = mem i m)})
(decreases (length l))
let rec sort l = match l with
| [] -> []
| pivot::tl ->
let hi, lo = partition (cmp pivot) tl in
let l' = append (sort lo) (pivot::sort hi) in
dedup l'
練習問題 6d:
(* この問題か練習問題 6b の答からはじめてください *)
module QuickSortNoDiscard
(* Instead of a Boolean check that an element belongs to a list, count
the number of occurrences of an element in a list *)
val count : 'a -> list 'a -> Tot nat
let rec count (x:'a) (l:list 'a) = match l with
| hd::tl -> if hd=x then 1 + count x tl else count x tl
| [] -> 0
let mem x l = count x l > 0
val append : list 'a -> list 'a -> Tot (list 'a)
let rec append l1 l2 = match l1 with
| [] -> l2
| hd :: tl -> hd :: append tl l2
val append_count: l:list 'a -> m:list 'a
-> Lemma (requires True)
(ensures (forall x. count x (append l m) = (count x l + count x m)))
let rec append_count l m = match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> append_count tl m
val append_mem: l:list 'a -> m:list 'a
-> Lemma (requires True)
(ensures (forall x. mem x (append l m) = (mem x l || mem x m)))
let append_mem l m = append_count l m
val length: list 'a -> Tot nat
let rec length l = match l with
| [] -> 0
| _ :: tl -> 1 + length tl
(* Specification of sortedness according to some comparison function f *)
val sorted: ('a -> 'a -> Tot bool) -> list 'a -> Tot bool
let rec sorted f l = match l with
| [] -> true
| [x] -> true
| x::y::xs -> f x y && sorted f (y::xs)
val partition: ('a -> Tot bool) -> list 'a -> Tot (list 'a * list 'a)
let rec partition f = function
| [] -> [], []
| hd::tl ->
let l1, l2 = partition f tl in
if f hd
then hd::l1, l2
else l1, hd::l2
val partition_lemma: f:('a -> Tot bool)
-> l:list 'a
-> Lemma (requires True)
(ensures ((length (fst (partition f l)) + length (snd (partition f l)) = length l
/\ (forall x. mem x (fst (partition f l)) ==> f x)
/\ (forall x. mem x (snd (partition f l)) ==> not (f x))
/\ (forall x. mem x l = (mem x (fst (partition f l)) || mem x (snd (partition f l))))
/\ (forall x. count x l = (count x (fst (partition f l)) + count x (snd (partition f l)))))))
let rec partition_lemma f l = match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> partition_lemma f tl
(* Defining a new predicate symbol *)
opaque type total_order (a:Type) (f: (a -> a -> Tot bool)) =
(forall a. f a a) (* reflexivity *)
/\ (forall a1 a2. (f a1 a2 /\ a1<>a2) <==> not (f a2 a1)) (* anti-symmetry *)
/\ (forall a1 a2 a3. f a1 a2 /\ f a2 a3 ==> f a1 a3) (* transitivity *)
val sorted_concat_lemma: a:Type
-> f:(a -> a -> Tot bool)
-> l1:list a{sorted f l1}
-> l2:list a{sorted f l2}
-> pivot:a
-> Lemma (requires (total_order a f
/\ (forall y. mem y l1 ==> not (f pivot y))
/\ (forall y. mem y l2 ==> f pivot y)))
(ensures (sorted f (append l1 (pivot::l2))))
let rec sorted_concat_lemma f l1 l2 pivot = match l1 with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> sorted_concat_lemma f tl l2 pivot
val sort: f:('a -> 'a -> Tot bool){total_order 'a f}
-> l:list 'a
-> Tot (m:list 'a{sorted f m /\ (forall i. mem i l = mem i m) /\ (forall i. count i l = count i m)})
(decreases (length l))
let rec sort f l = match l with
| [] -> []
| pivot::tl ->
let hi, lo = partition (f pivot) tl in
partition_lemma (f pivot) tl;
let lo' = sort f lo in
let hi' = sort f hi in
append_count lo' (pivot::hi');
append_mem lo' (pivot::hi');
sorted_concat_lemma f lo' hi' pivot;
append lo' (pivot::hi')
練習問題 6e:
val sort : l:list int -> Tot (m:list int{sorted m /\ (forall x. mem x l == mem x m)})
module InsertionSort
open Prims.PURE
(* Check that a list is sorted *)
val sorted: list int -> Tot bool
let rec sorted l = match l with
| [] -> true
| [x] -> true
| x::y::xs -> (x <= y) && (sorted (y::xs))
(* Definition of the [mem] function *)
val mem: int -> list int -> Tot bool
let rec mem a l = match l with
| [] -> false
| hd::tl -> hd=a || mem a tl
(* A lemma to help Z3 *)
val sorted_smaller: x:int
-> y:int
-> l:list int
-> Lemma (requires (sorted (x::l) /\ mem y l))
(ensures (x <= y))
[SMTPat (sorted (x::l)); SMTPat (mem y l)]
let rec sorted_smaller x y l = match l with
| [] -> ()
| z::zs -> if z=y then () else sorted_smaller x y zs
(* Insertion function *)
val insert : i:int -> l:list int{sorted l} -> Tot (m:list int{sorted m /\ (forall x. mem x m <==> x==i \/ mem x l)})
let rec insert i l = match l with
| [] -> [i]
| hd::tl ->
if i <= hd then
(* Solver implicitly uses the lemma: sorted_smaller hd (Cons.hd i_tl) tl *)
hd::(insert i tl)
(* Insertion sort *)
val sort : l:list int -> Tot (m:list int{sorted m /\ (forall x. mem x l == mem x m)})
let rec sort l = match l with
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> insert x (sort xs)
ここでより大きなケーススタディを見てみましょう: 単純型付きラムダ計算 (STLC) に対する型検査の健全性を証明します。 もし STLC に馴染みがなければ、Software Foundations 本 (日本語訳) を参照して、その原文のやさしい導入を読むことができます (Coq に関する部分は無視することができます)。 ここでのその形式化と証明は Software Foundations に密接に従います。 けれども私達の証明は Coq の証明よりも短かく、より読み易いでしょう。
F* の帰納データ型 ty
で STLC の型を表わしましょう。
type ty =
| TBool : ty
| TArrow : ty -> ty -> ty
唯一の基本型 (TBool
) としてブールを考えます。
関数型は2つの型引数を取る TArrow
例えば TArrow TBool TBool
これは F* の構文では bool -> bool
と書き、論文表記では と書きます。
データ型 exp
による STLC の式を表わしましょう。
type exp =
| EVar : int -> exp
| EApp : exp -> exp -> exp
| EAbs : int -> ty -> exp -> exp
| ETrue : exp
| EFalse : exp
| EIf : exp -> exp -> exp -> exp
変数はコンストラクタ EVar
で修飾された整数の “名前” として表わされます。
変数はラムダ抽象 (EAbs
) によって “束縛され” ます。
例えば、ブールの恒等関数は EAbs 0 TBool (EVar 0)
論文表記ではこの関数を と書きます。
引数 (
) の型注釈はとても単純な型検査を許します。
恒等関数を ETrue
EApp (EAbs 0 TBool (EVar 0)) ETrue
(論文表記では になります。)
この言語は条件分岐 (if-then-else) も持っています。 例えば、ブールの “否定” 関数は次のように書けます:
EAbs 0 TBool (EIf (EVar 0) EFalse ETrue)
(論文表記では になります。)
STLC の標準的なスモールステップ値渡しインタープリタを定義しましょう。
式の評価に成功した最終結果は 値 と呼ばれます。
これは式に対するブールの述語 (全域関数) です:
val is_value : exp -> Tot bool
let is_value e =
match e with
| EAbs _ _ _
| ETrue
| EFalse -> true
| _ -> false
, ETrue
, EFalse
のケースは同じ右辺 (true
) を共有しています。
中の x
を e
で置換する関数 subst x e e'
val subst : int -> exp -> exp -> Tot exp
let rec subst x e e' =
match e' with
| EVar x' -> if x = x' then e else e'
| EAbs x' t e1 ->
EAbs x' t (if x = x' then e1 else (subst x e e1))
| EApp e1 e2 -> EApp (subst x e e1) (subst x e e2)
| ETrue -> ETrue
| EFalse -> EFalse
| EIf e1 e2 e3 -> EIf (subst x e e1) (subst x e e2) (subst x e e3)
その式を横断して、変数 (EVar x')
に辿り着いたらそれが置換したい変数 x
かどうかチェックし、もしそうならそれを e
ラムダ抽象 (EAbs x' t e1)
に対して、もし x
と x'
が異なっていたら本体 e1
その理由は e1
中の x
それは、単にたまたまグローバルな名前 x
ローカルな x
でシャドウイングされているため、グローバルな x
上級者への注意: 全ての変数が外のラムダで束縛された閉じた式のみを簡約するので、(実際閉じた値の) 閉じた式のみを置換します。 それには置換のこのナイーブな定義は十分です。 もし他の式中の値を置換する式 e が自由変数を含むような場合を考慮するなら、置換がより複雑になるか値の表現を変更しなければなりません。
そのインタープリタの関数 step
は式 e
をシングルステップに簡約した式を返すか、エラーの場合には None
val step : exp -> Tot (option exp)
let rec step e =
match e with
| EApp e1 e2 ->
if is_value e1 then
if is_value e2 then
match e1 with
| EAbs x t e' -> Some (subst x e2 e')
| _ -> None
match (step e2) with
| Some e2' -> Some (EApp e1 e2')
| None -> None
(match (step e1) with
| Some e1' -> Some (EApp e1' e2)
| None -> None)
| EIf e1 e2 e3 ->
if is_value e1 then
match e1 with
| ETrue -> Some e2
| EFalse -> Some e3
| _ -> None
(match (step e1) with
| Some e1' -> Some (EIf e1' e2 e3)
| None -> None)
| _ -> None
適用の式 EApp e1 e2
最初に e1
を値に簡約し、それから e2
を値に簡約し、そしてもし e1
が抽象 EAbs x t e'
であるなら形式的な引数 x
を実際の引数 e2
を返すことで (関数でない値を引数に適用したという) 動的な型エラーを発生させます。
EIf e1 e2 e3
について、最初にガード e1
もしそのガードが true
に簡約されたら e2
もしそのガードが false
に簡約されたら e3
そしてもしそのガードがそれ以外 (例えば関数) に簡約されたら動的な型エラーを報告します。
None -> None
assert (step (EApp (EAbs 0 TBool (EVar 0))) ETrue)) = Some ETrue)
assert (step (EApp ETrue ETrue) = None)
型を項に割り当てるために、自由変数の型についての仮定を知る必要があります。 そのため型環境に対して型付けが発生します—スコープでの値からそれらの型への写像です。 整数の変数名を取りオプショナルな型を返す関数として、そのような部分写像を表わしましょう:
type env = int -> Tot (option ty)
val empty : env
let empty _ = None
val extend : env -> int -> ty -> Tot env
let extend g x t x' = if x = x' then Some t else g x'
例えば、環境 extend g x t
において本体 e
を最初に型検査することで、型環境 g
において EAbs x t e
型検査器は環境 g
と式 e
の型が正しくないなら None
val typing : env -> exp -> Tot (option ty)
let rec typing g e =
match e with
| EVar x -> g x
| EAbs x t e1 ->
(match typing (extend g x t) e1 with
| Some t' -> Some (TArrow t t')
| None -> None)
| EApp e1 e2 ->
(match typing g e1, typing g e2 with
| Some (TArrow t11 t12), Some t2 -> if t11 = t2 then Some t12 else None
| _ , _ -> None)
| ETrue -> Some TBool
| EFalse -> Some TBool
| EIf e1 e2 e3 ->
(match typing g e1, typing g e2, typing g e3 with
| Some TBool, Some t2, Some t3 -> if t2 = t3 then Some t2 else None
| _ , _ , _ -> None)
抽象 EAbs x t e1
に対して、上記で説明したように、環境 extend g x t
の下で本体 e1
もしそれが成功して型 t'
を生成したら、全体の抽象には型 TArrow t t'
適用 EApp e1 e2
と e2
そしてもし e1
が関数型 TArrow t11 t12
を持ちかつ e2
が型 t11
を持つなら、全体の適用は型 t12
と EFalse
は型 TBool
条件分岐に対して、そのガードが型 TBool
STLC のために progress と preservation を証明しましょう。 progress 定理は、閉じた型が正しい項が (直接に) 動的な型エラーを生成しないことを示します: 型が正しい項は値であるか、評価ステップを取れます。 その証明は実直な帰納になります。
val progress : e:exp -> Lemma
(requires (is_Some (typing empty e)))
(ensures (is_value e \/ (is_Some (step e))))
let rec progress e =
match e with
| EApp e1 e2 -> progress e1; progress e2
| EIf e1 e2 e3 -> progress e1; progress e2; progress e3
| _ -> ()
Variables are not well-typed in the empty environment, so the theorem holds vacuously for variables. Boolean constants and abstractions are values, so the theorem holds trivially for these. All these simple cases are proved automatically by F*. For the remaining cases we need to use the induction hypothesis, but otherwise the proofs are fully automated. Under the hood F* and Z3 are doing quite a bit of work though.
In case e = (EApp e1 e2)
F* and Z3 automate the following intuitive argument:
We case split on the first instance of the induction
hypothesis (is_value e1 \/ (is_Some (step e1)))
steps to e1'
then, by the definition of step
(EApp e1 e2)
steps to (EApp e1' e2)
is a value, we case split on the second induction hypothesis instance,
(is_value e2 \/ (is_Some (step e2)))
steps to e2'
then (EApp e1 e2)
steps to (EApp e1 e2')
since e1
is a value.
is also a value, then we need to obtain that e1
a function type and from this that it is an abstraction.
Expression e1
has a function type because, by the definition of typing
an application is well-typed only when the first expression is a function.
The remaining step is usually done as a separate “canonical forms” lemma, stating
that any value that has a function type is actually an abstraction.
Z3 can prove this fact automatically from the definitions of typing
and is_value
The intuitive proof of the EIf
case is similar.
The preservation theorem (sometimes also called “subject reduction”) states that when a well-typed expression takes a step, the result is a well-typed expression of the same type. In order to show preservation we need to prove a couple of auxiliary results for reasoning about variables and substitution.
The case for function application has to reason about “beta reduction” steps,
i.e. substituting the formal argument of a function with an actual value.
To see that this step preserves typing, we need to know that the
substitution itself does. So we prove a substitution lemma, stating that
substituting a (closed) term v
for a variable x
in an expression e
the type of e
. The tricky cases in the substitution proof
are the ones for variables and for function abstractions.
In both cases, we discover that we need to take an expression e
that has been shown
to be well-typed in some context g
and consider the same expression e
in a
slightly different context g'
. For this we prove a context invariance lemma,
showing that typing is preserved under “inessential changes” to the context g
particular, changes that do not affect any of the free variables of the expression.
For this, we need a definition of the free variables of an expression—i.e.,
the variables occurring in the expression that are not bound by an abstraction.
A variable x
appears free in e
if e
contains some occurrence of x
that is not under an abstraction labeled x
val appears_free_in : x:int -> e:exp -> Tot bool
let rec appears_free_in x e =
match e with
| EVar y -> x = y
| EApp e1 e2 -> appears_free_in x e1 || appears_free_in x e2
| EAbs y _ e1 -> x <> y && appears_free_in x e1
| EIf e1 e2 e3 ->
appears_free_in x e1 || appears_free_in x e2 || appears_free_in x e3
| ETrue
| EFalse -> false
We also need a technical lemma connecting free variables and typing contexts.
If a variable x
appears free in an expression e
and if we know that e
is well typed in context g
then it must be the case that g
assigns some type to x
val free_in_context : x:int -> e:exp -> g:env -> Lemma
(requires (is_Some (typing g e)))
(ensures (appears_free_in x e ==> is_Some (g x)))
let rec free_in_context x e g =
match e with
| EVar _
| ETrue
| EFalse -> ()
| EAbs y t e1 -> free_in_context x e1 (extend g y t)
| EApp e1 e2 -> free_in_context x e1 g; free_in_context x e2 g
| EIf e1 e2 e3 -> free_in_context x e1 g;
free_in_context x e2 g; free_in_context x e3 g
The proof is a straightforward induction.
As a corollary for g=empty
we obtain that expressions typable
in the empty environment have no free variables.
val typable_empty_closed : x:int -> e:exp -> Lemma
(requires (is_Some (typing empty e)))
(ensures (not(appears_free_in x e)))
[SMTPat (appears_free_in x e)]
let typable_empty_closed x e = free_in_context x e empty
The quantifier pattern [SMTPat (appears_free_in x e)]
signals F*
that it should feed this lemma to the SMT solver using this pattern.
Sometimes, we know that typing g e = Some t
and we will need to replace g
by an “equivalent” context g'
We still need to define formally when two environments are equivalent.
A natural definition is extensional equivalence of functions:
opaque logic type Equal (g1:env) (g2:env) =
(forall (x:int). g1 x = g2 x)
According to this definition two environments are equivalent if have
the same domain and they map all variables in the domain to the same type.
We remark Equal
in particular and logical formulas in general
are “types” in F*, thus the different syntax for this definition.
The context invariance lemma uses in fact a weaker variant of this equivalence
in which the two environments only need to agree on the variables that appear free
in an expression e
opaque logic type EqualE (e:exp) (g1:env) (g2:env) =
(forall (x:int). appears_free_in x e ==> g1 x = g2 x)
The context invariance lemma is then easily proved by induction:
val context_invariance : e:exp -> g:env -> g':env
-> Lemma
(requires (EqualE e g g'))
(ensures (typing g e == typing g' e))
let rec context_invariance e g g' =
match e with
| EAbs x t e1 ->
context_invariance e1 (extend g x t) (extend g' x t)
| EApp e1 e2 ->
context_invariance e1 g g';
context_invariance e2 g g'
| EIf e1 e2 e3 ->
context_invariance e1 g g';
context_invariance e2 g g';
context_invariance e3 g g'
| _ -> ()
Because Equal
is a stronger relation than EqualE
we obtain the same property
for Equal
val typing_extensional : g:env -> g':env -> e:exp -> Lemma
(requires (Equal g g'))
(ensures (typing g e == typing g' e))
let typing_extensional g g' e = context_invariance e g g'
We can use these results to show the following substitution lemma:
val substitution_preserves_typing : x:int -> e:exp -> v:exp ->
g:env -> Lemma
(requires ( is_Some (typing empty v) /\
is_Some (typing (extend g x (Some.v (typing empty v))) e)))
(ensures (is_Some (typing empty v) /\
typing g (subst x v e) ==
typing (extend g x (Some.v (typing empty v))) e))
let rec substitution_preserves_typing x e v g =
let Some t_x = typing empty v in
let gx = extend g x t_x in
match e with
| ETrue -> ()
| EFalse -> ()
| EVar y ->
if x=y
then context_invariance v empty g (* uses lemma typable_empty_closed *)
else context_invariance e gx g
| EApp e1 e2 ->
substitution_preserves_typing x e1 v g;
substitution_preserves_typing x e2 v g
| EIf e1 e2 e3 ->
substitution_preserves_typing x e1 v g;
substitution_preserves_typing x e2 v g;
substitution_preserves_typing x e3 v g
| EAbs y t_y e1 ->
let gxy = extend gx y t_y in
let gy = extend g y t_y in
if x=y
then typing_extensional gxy gy e1
(let gyx = extend gy x t_x in
typing_extensional gxy gyx e1;
substitution_preserves_typing x e1 v gy)
The proof proceeds by induction on the expression e
we give the intuition of the two most interesting cases:
e = EVar y
x = y
: We have subst x v e = v
and we already know that
typing empty v == Some t_x
. However, what we need to show is
typing g v == Some t_x
for some arbitrary environment g
From the typable_empty_closed
lemma we obtain that v
no free variables, so we have EqualE v empty g
. This allows us
to apply the context_invariance
lemma to obtain that
typing empty v = typing g v
and complete the proof of this case.
x <> y
: We have subst x v e = e
typing gx e = Some t_e
and need to show that
typing g e = Some t_e
We have that EquivE (EVar y) gx g
since x <> y
so we can apply
the context_invariance
lemma to conclude.
e = EAbs y t_y e1
We have that typing gxy e1 = Some t_e1
and need to show that
typing gy e1 = Some t_e1
x = y
: We have subst x v e = EAbs y t_y e1
Since x = y
the x
binder in gxy
is spurious (we have Equal gy gxy
and can apply the typing_extensional
x <> y
: We have subst x v e = EAbs y t_y (subst x v e1)
Since x <> y
(and since we are in a simply typed calculus, not
a dependently typed one) we can swap the x
and y
binding to show
that Equal gxy xyx
. By the typing_extensional
lemma we obtain that
typing gxy e1 == typing gyx e1
. By the induction hypothesis we thus
obtain that
typing gy (subst x v e1) == Some t_e1
and by the definition
of typing
we conclude that typing g (EAbs y t_y (subst x v e)) = t_e
We now have the tools we need to prove preservation:
if a closed expression e
has type t
and takes an evaluation step to e'
then e'
is also a closed expression with type t
In other words, the small-step evaluation relation preserves types.
val preservation : e:exp -> Lemma
(requires(is_Some (typing empty e) /\ is_Some (step e) ))
(ensures(is_Some (step e) /\
typing empty (Some.v (step e)) == typing empty e))
let rec preservation e =
match e with
| EApp e1 e2 ->
if is_value e1
then (if is_value e2
then let EAbs x _ ebody = e1 in
substitution_preserves_typing x ebody e2 empty
else preservation e2)
else preservation e1
| EIf e1 _ _ ->
if not (is_value e1) then preservation e1
We only have two cases to consider, since only applications and conditionals
can take successful execution steps. The case for e = EIf e1 e2 e3
is simple:
either e1
is a value and thus the conditional reduces to e2
or e3
by the typing hypothesis also have type t
, or e1
takes a successful step and
we can apply the induction hypothesis. We use the Some.v
projector for options
with the following type:
Some.v : x:(option 'a){is_Some x} -> Tot 'a
which requires F* to prove that indeed e1
can take a step;
this is immediate since we know that the whole conditional takes a step
and we know that e1
is not a value.
The case for e = EApp e1 e2
is a bit more complex. If e1
steps or if e1
a value and e2
steps then we just apply the induction hypothesis.
If both e1
and e2
are values it needs to be the case that e1
an abstraction EAbs x targ ebody
and step e = subst x e2 ebody
From the typing assumption we have typing (extend empty x tags) ebody = Some t
and typing empty e2 = Some targ
, so we can use the substitution lemma
to obtain that typing empty (subst x e2 ebody) = Some t
, which concludes the proof.
練習問題 7a:
Define a typed_step
step function that takes a
well-typed expression e
that is not a value and
produces the expression to which e
steps. Give typed_step
the following strong type
(basically this type captures both progress and preservation):
val typed_step : e:exp{is_Some (typing empty e) /\ not(is_value e)} ->
Tot (e':exp{typing empty e' = typing empty e})
(Hint: the most direct solution to this exercise fits on one line)
練習問題 7b:
To add pairs to this formal development we add the following to the
definition of types, expressions, values, substitution, and step:
type ty =
| TPair : ty -> ty -> ty
type exp =
| EPair : exp -> exp -> exp
| EFst : exp -> exp
| ESnd : exp -> exp
(note the extra rec in is_value
let rec is_value e =
match e with
| EPair e1 e2 -> is_value e1 && is_value e2
let rec subst x e e' =
match e' with
| EPair e1 e2 -> EPair (subst x e e1) (subst x e e2)
| EFst e1 -> EFst (subst x e e1)
| ESnd e1 -> ESnd (subst x e e1)
let rec step e =
| EPair e1 e2 ->
if is_value e1 then
if is_value e2 then None
(match (step e2) with
| Some e2' -> Some (EPair e1 e2')
| None -> None)
(match (step e1) with
| Some e1' -> Some (EPair e1' e2)
| None -> None)
| EFst e1 ->
if is_value e1 then
(match e1 with
| EPair v1 v2 -> Some v1
| _ -> None)
(match (step e1) with
| Some e1' -> Some (EFst e1')
| None -> None)
| ESnd e1 ->
if is_value e1 then
(match e1 with
| EPair v1 v2 -> Some v2
| _ -> None)
(match (step e1) with
| Some e1' -> Some (ESnd e1')
| None -> None)
Add cases to typing
for the new constructs and fix all the proofs.
We extend the typing
and appears_free_in
functions with cases
for EPair
, EFst
, and ESnd
val typing : env -> exp -> Tot (option ty)
let rec typing g e =
| EPair e1 e2 ->
(match typing g e1, typing g e2 with
| Some t1, Some t2 -> Some (TPair t1 t2)
| _ , _ -> None)
| EFst e1 ->
(match typing g e1 with
| Some (TPair t1 t2) -> Some t1
| _ -> None)
| ESnd e1 ->
(match typing g e1 with
| Some (TPair t1 t2) -> Some t2
| _ -> None)
val appears_free_in : x:int -> e:exp -> Tot bool
| EPair e1 e2 -> appears_free_in x e1 || appears_free_in x e2
| EFst e1 -> appears_free_in x e1
| ESnd e1 -> appears_free_in x e1
The proofs of the lemmas are also easy to extend by just calling the induction hypothesis:
val free_in_context : x:int -> e:exp -> g:env -> Lemma
(requires (is_Some (typing g e)))
(ensures (appears_free_in x e ==> is_Some (g x)))
let rec free_in_context x e g =
| EPair e1 e2 -> free_in_context x e1 g; free_in_context x e2 g
| EFst e1
| ESnd e1 -> free_in_context x e1 g
val context_invariance : e:exp -> g:env -> g':env
-> Lemma
(requires (EqualE e g g'))
(ensures (typing g e == typing g' e))
let rec context_invariance e g g' =
| EPair e1 e2 ->
context_invariance e1 g g';
context_invariance e2 g g'
| EFst e1
| ESnd e1 -> context_invariance e1 g g'
val substitution_preserves_typing : x:int -> e:exp -> v:exp ->
g:env{is_Some (typing empty v) &&
is_Some (typing (extend g x (Some.v (typing empty v))) e)} ->
Tot (u:unit{typing g (subst x v e) ==
typing (extend g x (Some.v (typing empty v))) e})
let rec substitution_preserves_typing x e v g =
| EPair e1 e2 ->
(substitution_preserves_typing x e1 v g;
substitution_preserves_typing x e2 v g)
| EFst e1
| ESnd e1 ->
substitution_preserves_typing x e1 v g
As for the other cases, the preservation proof when e = EPair e1 e2
follows the structure of the step
function. If e1
is not a value
then it further evaluates, so we apply the induction hypothesis to
. If e1
is a value, then since we know that the pair evaluates,
it must be the case that e2
is not a value and further evaluates, so
we apply the induction hypothesis to it. The cases for EFst
are similar.
val preservation : e:exp{is_Some (typing empty e) /\ is_Some (step e)} ->
Tot (u:unit{typing empty (Some.v (step e)) == typing empty e})
let rec preservation e =
| EPair e1 e2 ->
(match is_value e1, is_value e2 with
| false, _ -> preservation e1
| true , false -> preservation e2)
| EFst e1
| ESnd e1 ->
if not (is_value e1) then preservation e1
練習問題 7c:
We want to add a let construct to this formal development.
We add the following to the definition of expressions:
type exp =
| ELet : int -> exp -> exp -> exp
Add cases for ELet
to all definitions and proofs.
練習問題 7d:
Define a big-step interpreter for STLC as a recursive
function eval
that given a well-typed expression e
either produces the well-typed value v
to which e
or it diverges if the evaluation of e
loops. Give eval
the following
strong type ensuring that v
has the same type as e
(basically this type captures both progress and preservation):
val eval : e:exp{is_Some (typing empty e)} ->
Dv (v:exp{is_value v && typing empty v = typing empty e})
The Dv
effect is that of potentially divergent computations.
We cannot mark this as Tot
since a priori STLC computations could loop,
and it is hard to prove that well-typed ones don't, while defining an
Here is a solution that only uses typed_step
(suggested by Santiago Zanella):
val eval : e:exp{is_Some (typing empty e)} ->
Dv (v:exp{is_value v && typing empty v = typing empty e})
let rec eval e =
if is_value e then e
else eval (typed_step e)
or using the progress
and preservation
lemmas instead of typed_step
(suggested by Guido Martinez):
val eval : e:exp{is_Some (typing empty e)} ->
Dv (v:exp{is_value v && typing empty v = typing empty e})
let rec eval e = match step e with
| None -> progress e; e
| Some e' -> preservation e; eval e'
Here is another solution that only uses the substitution lemma:
val eval' : e:exp{is_Some (typing empty e)} ->
Dv (v:exp{is_value v && typing empty v = typing empty e})
let rec eval' e =
let Some t = typing empty e in
match e with
| EApp e1 e2 ->
(let EAbs x _ e' = eval' e1 in
let v = eval' e2 in
substitution_preserves_typing x e' v empty;
eval' (subst x v e'))
| EAbs _ _ _
| ETrue
| EFalse -> e
| EIf e1 e2 e3 ->
(match eval' e1 with
| ETrue -> eval' e2
| EFalse -> eval' e3)
| EPair e1 e2 -> EPair (eval' e1) (eval' e2)
| EFst e1 ->
let EPair v1 _ = eval' e1 in v1
| ESnd e1 ->
let EPair _ v2 = eval' e1 in v2
| ELet x e1 e2 ->
(let v = eval' e1 in
substitution_preserves_typing x e2 v empty;
eval' (subst x v e2))
So far, we have mostly programmed total functions and give them specifications using rich types. Under the covers, F* has a second level of checking at work to ensure that the specifications that you write are also meaningful—this is F*'s kind system. Before moving on to more advanced F* features, you'll have to understand the kind system a little. In short, just as types describe properties of programs, kinds describe properties of types.
: The type of typesThe basic construct in the kind system is the constant Type
, which
is the basic type of a type. For example,
just as we say that 0 : int
(zero has type int
), we also say
int : Type
has kind Type
), bool : Type
, nat : Type
Beyond the base types, consider types like list int
, list bool
etc. These are also types, of course, and in F* list int : Type
and list bool : Type
. But, what about the unapplied type
constructor list
—it's not a Type
on its own; it only produces a
when applied to a Type
. In that sense, list
is type
constructor. To describe this, just as we use the ->
constructor to describe functions at the level of programs, we use the
kind constructor to describe functions at the level of types. As
such, we write list : Type -> Type
, meaning that it produces a
when applied to a Type
Beyond inductive types like list
, F* also supports inductive type
families, or GADTs. For example, here is one definition of a
, a length-indexed list.
type vector : Type -> nat -> Type =
| Nil : vector 'a 0
| Cons : hd:'a -> n:nat -> tl:vector 'a n -> vector 'a (n + 1)
Here, we define a type constructor vector : Type -> nat -> Type
which takes two arguments: it produces a Type
when applied first to
a Type
and then to a nat
The point is to illustrate that just as functions at the level of programs may take either type- or term-arguments, types themselves can take either types or pure expressions as arguments.
When writing functions over terms with indexed types, it is convenient to mark some arguments as implicit, asking the type-checker to infer them rather than having to provide them manually.
For example, the type of a function that reverses a vector can be written as follows:
val reverse_vector: #a:Type -> #n:nat -> vector a n -> Tot (vector a n)
This indicates that reverse_vector
expects three arguments, but the
sign mark the first two arguments as implicit. Given a term
v : vector t m
, simply writing reverse_vector v
will type-check as
vector t m
—internally, F* elaborates the function call to
reverse_vector #t #m v
, instantiating the two implicit arguments
automatically. To view what F* inferred, you can provide the
argument to the compiler, which will cause all
implicitly inferred arguments to be shown in any message from the
compiler. Alternatively, you can write reverse_vector #t #m v
yourself to force the choice of implicit arguments manually.
When you write a type like 'a -> M t wp
(note the “ticked” variable
), this is simply syntactic sugar for #a:Type -> a -> M t wp
with every occurrence of 'a
replaced by a
in M t wp
—in other
words, the “ticked” type variable is an implicit type argument. With
this in mind, the definition of vector
is desugared to:
type vector : Type -> nat -> Type =
| Nil : #a:Type -> vector a 0
| Cons : #a:Type -> hd:a -> n:nat -> tl:vector a n -> vector a (n + 1)
One could go further and also define the Cons
constructor's n
argument to be implicit, like so:
type vector : Type -> nat -> Type =
| Nil : #a:Type -> vector a 0
| Cons : #a:Type -> hd:a -> #n:nat -> tl:vector a n -> vector a (n + 1)
With this, given v: vector int m
, we can write Cons 0 v
to build a
vector int (m + 1)
Even some of the built-in type constructors can be given
kinds. Consider the refinement type constructor: _:_{_}
, whose
instances include types we've seen before, like x:int{x >= 0}
, which
is the type nat
, of course. With less syntactic sugar, you can view
the type x:int{phi(x)}
as the application of a type constructor
to two arguments int
and a refinement formula
fun x -> phi(x)
. As discussed in Section 3.5, the formula
is itself a Type
. Thus, the kind of the refinement
constructor is a:Type -> (a -> Type) -> Type
, meaning it takes two
arguments; first, a type a
; then a second argument, a predicate on
(whose kind depends on a
); and then bulids a Type
The type fun x -> phi(x)
is type function, a lambda abstraction at
the level of types, which when applied to a particular value, say,
, reduces as usual to phi(0)
F* allows top-level declarations to define abbreviations for kinds. For example, one can write:
kind Predicate (a:Type) = a -> Type
Now, the kind Predicate a
is an abbreviation for a -> Type
F* provides a mechanism to define new effects. As mentioned earlier,
the system is already configured with several basic effects, including
non-termination, state and exceptions. In this section, we look
briefly at how effects are defined, using the PURE
effects for illustration.
On a first reading, you may wish to skip this section and proceed directly to the next chapter.
Type inference in F* is based on a weakest pre-condition calculus for
higher order programs. For every term e
, F* computes WP e
, which
captures the semantics of e
as a predicate transformer. If you want
to prove some property P
about the result of e
(i.e., a
post-condition), it suffices to prove WP e P
of the initial
configuration in which e
is executed (i.e., a pre-condition).
Let's start by considering a very simple, purely functional programming language with only the following forms:
b ::= x | true | false
e ::= b | let x = e1 in e2 | assert b | if b then e1 else e2
For this tiny language, the post-conditions P
that you may want to
prove are predicates on the boolean results of a computation, while
the pre-conditions are just propositions. Defining WP e
for this
language is fairly straightforward:
WP b P = P b
WP (let x = e1 in e2) P = WP e1 (fun x -> WP e2 P)
WP (assert b) P = b /\ P b
WP (if b then e1 else e2) P = (b ==> WP e1 P) /\ ((not b) ==> WP e2 P)
This is nice and simple, but it has a significant drawback,
particularly in the fourth rule: the post-condition formula P
duplicated across the branches. As several branching expressions are
sequenced, this leads to an exponential blowup in the size of the
verification condition.
This problem with WP computations is well known—Flanagan and Saxe and Leino both study this problem and provide equivalent solutions. In essence, they show that for a first-order, assignment-free guarded command language the weakest pre-condition can be computed in a size nearly linear in the size of the program. Then, they show that first-order imperative WHILE language can be converted into SSA form and then into a guarded command language.
In the context of F*, we generalize the results of Flanagan and Saxe,
and Leino, to the setting of a higher-order language. The main
technical idea is a new “Double Dijkstra Monad”. Given a program, F*
infers a monadic computation type indexed by (1) a WP, the weakest
pre-condition predicate transformer; and (2) a WLP, the weakest
liberal pre-condition predicate transformer. Intuitively, WLP e Q
sufficient to guarantee that if e
contains no internal assertion
failures, then its result satisfies P
; in contrast, the WP e P
sufficient to guarantee both that e
's internal assertions succeed and
that its result satisfies P
Here's the definition of WLP
for our small example langauge.
WLP b P = P b
WLP (let x = e1 in e2) P = WLP e1 (fun x -> WLP e2 P)
WLP (assert b) P = b ==> P b
WLP (if b then e1 else e2) P = (b ==> WLP e1 P) /\ ((not b) ==> WLP e2 P)
The only difference with the WP
is in the case of assertions. For a
WLP, rather than requiring a proof of the assertion, we try to prove
the post-condition assuming the assertion succeeds.
How does this help us? Let's see.
First, you can prove the following property about WLP
(Identity 1)
<==> forall x. P x \/ WLP e (fun y -> y <> x)
Here's one way to read formula (1): Proving that P
is true of the
typed result of a computation (the LHS) is equivalent to proving that
for every x
, we either have P x
or we can prove that the result of
the computation is not x
(the RHS).
Armed with identity (1) above, we can also prove the following identity:
(Identity 2)
WP e P
<==> WP e (fun x -> True) /\ WLP e P
<==> WP e (fun x -> True) /\ (forall x. P x \/ WLP e (fun y -> y <> x)) (by (1))
That is, in order to prove that a computation e
has no internal
assertion failures and produces a result satisfying P
, one can
equivalently prove (a) that e
has no internal assertion failures
(i.e., WP e (fun x -> True)
) and then prove (b) that e
's result
satisfies P
(i.e, WLP e P
Finally, we come back to our rule for conditional expressions, which we can restate as follows (using identities (1) and (2)):
WP (if b then e1 else e2) P
= (b ==> WP e1 (fun x -> True))
/\ ((not b) ==> WP e2 (fun x -> True))
/\ (forall y. P y \/ ((b ==> WLP e1 (fun x -> x<>y)
/\ (not b) ==> WLP e2 (fun x -> x<>y)))
In this form, the post-condition P
is no longer duplicated across
the branches of the computation and we avoid the exponential blowup
(at the cost of computing both the WP
and the WLP
WPs and WLPs are convenient for type inference—for loop- and recursion-free code, we can simply compute the most precise verification condition for a program without further annotation. However, programmers are often more comfortable writing specification in terms of pre- and post-conditions, rather than predicate transformers. As we will see shortly, computing both the WP and the WLP allows F* to move between the two styles without a loss in precision (computing just the WP alone would not allow this).
Expressions in F* are given computation types C
. In its most
primitive form, each effect in F* introduces a computation type of
the form M t1..tn t wp wlp
. The M t1..tn
indicates the name of the
effect M
and several user-defined indexes t1..tn
. The type t
indicates the type of the result of the computation; wp
is a
predicate transformer that is not weaker than the weakest
pre-condition of e
; and wlp
is a predicate transformer not weaker
than the weakest liberal pre-condition of e
. For the sake of
brevity, we call wp
the weakest pre-condition and wlp
the weakest
liberal pre-condition.
For the purposes of the presentation here, we start by discussing a
simplified form of these C
types, i.e, we will consider computation
types of the form M t wp wlp
, those that have a non-parameterized
effect constructor M
(and generalize to the full form towards the
end of this chapter).
A computation e
has type M t wp wlp
if when run in an initial
configuration satisfying wp post
, it (either runs forever, if
allowed, or) produces a result of type t
in a final configuration
such that post f
is true, all the while exhibiting no more
effects than are allowed by M
. In other words, M
is an upper bound
on the effects of e
; t
is its result type; and wp
is a predicate
transformer that for any post-condition of the final configuration of
, produces a sufficient condition on the initial configuration of
. The wlp
is similar, except it is liberal with respect to the
internal assertions of e
in the sense described in the previous
These computation types (specifically their predicate transformers) form what is known as a Dijkstra monad. Some concrete examples should provide better intuition.
Remark. We follow an informal syntactic convention that the non-abbreviated all-caps names for computation types are the primitive forms—other forms are derived from these.
For example, the computation type constructor PURE
is a more
primitive version of Pure
, which we have used earlier in this
tutorial. By the end of this chapter, you will see how Pure
, Tot
etc. are expressed in terms of PURE
. Likewiwse STATE
is the
primitive form of ST
is the primitive form of Exn
; etc.
effectThe PURE
effect is primitive in F*. No user should ever have to
(re-)define it. Its definition is provided once and for all in
. It's instructive to look at its definition inasmuch
as it provides some insight into how F* works under the covers. It
also provides some guidance on how to define new effects. We discuss a
fragment of it here.
The type of pure computations is PURE t wp wlp
wp, wlp : (t -> Type) -> Type
. This means that pure computations produce
-typed results and are decribed by predicate transformers that
transform result predicates (post-conditions of kind t -> Type
) to
pre-conditions, which are propositions of kind Type
Seen another way, the signatures of the wp
and wlp
have the
following form—they transform pure post-conditions to pure
kind PurePost (a:Type) = a -> Type
kind PurePre = Type
kind PureWP (a:Type) = PurePost a -> PurePre
For example, one computation type for 0
PURE int return_zero return_zero
return_zero = fun (p:(int -> Type)) -> p 0
This means that in order to
prove any property p
about the result of the computation 0
suffices to prove p 0
—which is of course what you would
expect. The type return_zero
is an instance of the more general form
type return_PURE (#a:Type) (x:a) = fun (post: PurePost a) -> post x
When sequentially composing two pure computations using
let x = e1 in e2
, if
e1: PURE t1 wp1 wlp1
e2: (x:t1 -> PURE t2 (wp2 x) (wlp2 x))
we type the composed computation as
PURE t2 (bind_PURE wp1 wp2) (bind_PURE wlp1 wlp2)
type bind_PURE (#a:Type) (#b:Type)
(wp1: PureWP a)
(wp2: a -> PureWP b)
= fun (post:PurePost b) -> wp1 (fun (x:a) -> wp2 x post)
One can show that return_PURE
and bind_PURE
together form a monad.
and Tot
The Pure
effect is an abbreviation for PURE
that allows you to
write specifications with pre- and post-conditions instead of
predicate transformers. It is defined as follows:
effect Pure (a:Type) (pre:Type) (post: a -> Type) =
PURE a (fun (p:PurePost a) -> pre /\ forall (x:a). post x ==> p x)
(fun (p:PurePost a) -> forall (x:a). pre /\ post x ==> p x)
That is Pure a pre post
is a computation which when pre
is true
produces a result v:a
such that post v
is true.
The Tot
effect is defined below:
effect Tot (a:Type) =
PURE a (fun (p:PurePost a) -> forall (x:a). p x)
(fun (p:PurePost a) -> forall (x:a). p x)
This means that a computation type Tot a
only reveals that the
computation always terminates with an a
-typed result.
We have just seen how the definition of Pure a pre post
unfolds into
the PURE
effect. It is also possible to go in the other direction,
turning a specification written in the PURE a wp wlp
style into a
Pure a pre post
. However, whereas F* will always automatically
unfold the definition of Pure
in terms of PURE
as needed, it will
not automatically transform the more primitive PURE
effect into the
derived form Pure
. Instead, one uses an explicit coercion for this
purpose, with the signature shown below.
type as_requires (#a:Type) (wp:PureWP a) = wp (fun x -> True)
type as_ensures (#a:Type) (wlp:PureWP a) (x:a) = ~ (wlp (fun y -> ~(y=x)))
assume val as_Pure: #a:Type -> #b:(a -> Type)
-> #wp:(x:a -> PureWP (b x))
-> #wlp:(x:a -> PureWP (b x))
-> =f:(x:a -> PURE (b x) (wp x) (wlp x))
-> x:a -> Pure (b x) (as_requires (wp x))
(as_ensures (wlp x))
The second last argument to as_Pure
is named f
and is tagged with
an equality constraint, written by preceding the bound variable name
with the equality symbol, i.e., =f
. Given an application
as_Pure g
, the equality constraint on the f
argument of as_Pure
instructs F*'s type inference engine to unify the type of g
the expected type of f
. Without this constraint, by default, F*
will try to prove that the type of g
is a subtype of the expected
type of f
. In cases like this, where an argument mentions several
implicit arguments that need to be inferred (a, b, wp, wlp
, in this
case), the equality constraint produces better inference resutls.
One way to understand this type is as follows: as_Pure f
coerces the
type of f
which has a PURE (b x) wp wlp
effect to an equivalent
function type written in terms of Pure
. The pre-condition of the
resulting function type is easily computed from the wp
, using
as_requires wp
, which is just the weakest pre-condition of the
trivial post-condition.
Computing the post-condition is a bit more subtle, and is accomplished
with the as_ensures wlp
function. Perhaps the easiest way to
understand it is by studying the roundtrip transformation of PURE
and back to PURE
. The key step below is in the transformation
from (b) to (c), where we see that by ensuring
~wlp (fun y -> y <> x)
, we make use precisely of the Identity 1
from the previous section. Given only a wp
without a wlp
, we would be
stuck not being able to construct as_ensures
(a) Pure t (as_requires wp)
(as_ensures wlp)
= (definition)
(b) PURE t (fun post -> wp (fun x -> True) /\ forall y. ~(wlp (fun y' -> y<>y')) ==> post y)
(fun post -> forall y. wp (fun x -> True) /\ ~(wlp (fun y’ -> y<>y')) ==> post y)
= (unfolding ==> and double negation)
(c) PURE t (fun post -> wp (fun x -> True) /\ forall y. wlp (fun y' -> y<>y’) \/ post y)
(fun post -> forall y. not (wp (fun x -> True)) \/ wlp (fun y’ -> y<>y’) \/ post y)
= (folding ==>)
(d) PURE t (fun post -> wp (fun x -> True) /\ forall y. wlp (fun y’ -> y<>y’) \/ post y)
(fun post -> forall y. wp (fun x -> True) ==> (wlp (fun y’ -> y<>y’) \/ post y))
= (rearranging quantifier)
(e) PURE t (fun post -> wp (fun x -> True) /\ forall y. wlp (fun y’ -> y<>y’) \/ post y)
(fun post -> wp (fun x -> True) ==> forall y. (wlp (fun y’ -> y<>y’) \/ post y))
= (identity 1)
(f) PURE t (fun post -> wp (fun x -> True) /\ wlp (fun y’ -> post y’))
(fun post -> wp (fun x -> True) ==> wlp (fun y’ -> post y’))
<: (strengthening wlp, eta reduction)
(g) PURE t (fun post -> wp (fun x -> True) /\ wlp post)
= (identity 2, eta)
(h) PURE t wp wlp
Here are a few small examples using this coercion to move from PURE
to Pure
val f : x:int -> PURE int (fun 'p -> x > 0 /\ 'p (x + 1)) (fun 'p -> x > 0 ==> 'p (x + 1))
let f x = assert (x > 0); x + 1
val h : #req:(int -> Type)
-> #ens:(int -> int -> Type)
-> =f:(x:int -> Pure int (req x) (ens x))
-> y:int -> Pure int (req y) (ens y)
let h f x = f x
val g : x:int -> Pure int (x > 0) (fun y -> y == x + 1)
let g = h (as_Pure f)
練習問題 9a:
Work out the roundtrip unfolding a Pure t pre post
into a PURE
effect and then back to a Pure
using the as_Pure
coercion. Prove
that after this round trip, the resulting type is logically equivalent
to the type you started with.
Pure t p q
= (definition)
PURE t wp wlp
where wp = fun post -> p /\ forall (y:t). q y ==> post y
and wlp = fun post -> forall (y:t). p /\ q y ==> post y
<: (definition)
Pure t (p /\ forall (y:t). q y ==> True)
(fun y -> not (forall (z:t). p /\ q z ==> (y<>z)))
= (simplification/de Morgan)
Pure t (p)
(fun y -> exists (z:t). p /\ q z /\ y=z)
= (replacing existential by equality)
Pure t p
(fun y -> p /\ q y)
<: (weakening post-condition, eta)
Pure t p q
effectStateful programs operate on an input heap producing a result and an
output heap. The computation type STATE t wp wlp
describes such a
computation, where wp, wlp : StateWP t
has the signature below.
kind StatePost t = t -> heap -> Type
kind StatePre = heap -> Type
kind StateWP t = StatePost t -> StatePre
In other words, WPs and WLPs for stateful programs transform stateful post-conditions (relating the t-typed result of a computation to the final heap) into a pre-condition, a predicate on the input heap.
The type heap
is axiomatized in lib/heap.fst
and is one model of
the primitive heap provided by the F* runtime system. Specifically,
we have functions to select, update, and test the presence of a
reference in a heap.
module Heap
assume type heap
assume val sel : #a:Type -> heap -> ref a -> Tot a
assume val upd : #a:Type -> heap -> ref a -> a -> Tot heap
assume val contains : #a:Type -> heap -> ref a -> a -> Tot bool
These functions are interpreted using standard axioms, which allows the SMT solver to reason about heaps, for instance:
assume SelUpd1: forall (a:Type) (h:heap) (r:ref a) (v:a).
{:pattern (sel (upd h r v) r)}
sel (upd h r v) r = v
assume SelUpd2: forall (a:Type) (b:Type) (h:heap) (k1:ref a) (k2:ref b) (v:b).
{:pattern (sel (upd h k2 v) k1)}
k2=!=k1 ==> sel (upd h k2 v) k1 = sel h k1
The Heap
library axiomatizes several other functions—the
interested reader refer to lib/heap.fst
for more details.
Note, although sel
is marked as a total function, the axioms
underspecify its behavior, e.g., sel h r
has no further
interpretation unless h
can be proven to be an upd
Also note the use of the {:pattern ...}
form in the axioms above.
This provides the SMT solver with a trigger for the quantifiers, in
effect orienting the equalities in SelUpd1
and SelUpd2
left-to-right rewritings.
The functions sel
and upd
provide a logical theory of heaps. At
the programmatic level, we require stateful operations to allocate,
read and write references in the current heap of the program. The
signatures of these stateful primitives are provided in lib/st.fst
as illustrated (in slightly simplified form) below.
Let's start with the signature of read
assume val read: #a:Type -> r:ref a -> STATE a (wp_read r) (wp_read r)
where wp_read r = fun (post:StatePost a) (h0:heap) -> post (sel h0 r) h0
This says that read r
returns a result v:a
when r:ref a
and, to prove for any post-condition post:StatePost a
relating the
to the resulting heap, it suffices to prove post (sel h0 r) h0
when read r
is run in the initial heap h0
Next, here's the signature of write
assume val write: #a:Type -> r:ref a -> v:a -> STATE unit (wp_write r) (wp_write r)
where wp_write r = fun (post:StatePost a) (h0:heap) -> post () (upd h0 r v)
This says that write r v
returns a a unit
-typed result when
r:ref a
and v:a
; and, to prove any post-condition post:StatePost a
relating the ()
to the resulting heap, it suffices to prove
post () (upd h0 r v)
when write r v
is run in the initial heap h0
F* provides support for user-defined custom operators. To allow you to
write !r
for read r
and r := v
instead of ST.write r v
, we define
let op_Bang x = ST.read x
let op_Colon_Equals x v = ST.write x v
As with the PureWP
, the predicate transformers StateWP t
form a
monad, as shown by the combinators below.
type return_STATE (#a:Type) (v:a) = fun (post:StatePost a) (h0:heap) -> post v h0
type bind_STATE (#a:Type) (wp1:StateWP a) (wp2:a -> StateWP b)
= fun (post:StatePost b) (h0:heap) -> wp1 (fun (x:a) -> wp2 x post) h0
is to STATE
what Pure
is to PURE
: it provides a way to
write stateful specifications using pre- and post-conditions instead
of predicate transformers. It is defined as shown below (in
effect ST (a:Type) (pre:StatePre) (post: (heap -> StatePost a)) = STATE a
(fun (p:StatePost a) (h:heap) ->
pre h /\ (forall a h1. (pre h /\ post h a h1) ==> p a h1)) (* WP *)
(fun (p:StatePost a) (h:heap) ->
(forall a h1. (pre h /\ post h a h1) ==> p a h1)) (* WLP *)
As before, we can also define a coercion to move to ST
from STATE
type as_requires (#a:Type) (wp:STWP_h heap a) = wp (fun x h -> True)
type as_ensures (#a:Type) (wlp:STWP_h heap a) (h0:heap) (x:a) (h1:heap)
= ~ (wlp (fun y h1' -> y<>x \/ h1<>h1') h0)
val as_ST: #a:Type -> #b:(a -> Type)
-> #wp:(x:a -> STWP_h heap (b x))
-> #wlp:(x:a -> STWP_h heap (b x))
-> =f:(x:a -> STATE (b x) (wp x) (wlp x))
-> x:a -> ST (b x) (as_requires (wp x))
(as_ensures (wlp x))
And here's a small program that uses this coercion.
let f x = !x * !x
val h : #req:(ref int -> heap -> Type)
-> #ens:(ref int -> heap -> int -> heap -> Type)
-> =f:(x:ref int -> ST int (req x) (ens x))
-> y:ref int -> ST int (req y) (ens y)
let h f x = f x
val g : x:ref int -> ST int (fun h -> True) (fun h0 y h1 -> h0=h1 /\ y >= 0)
let g = h (as_ST f)
effectWe define another abbreviation on top of ST
for stateful programs with
trivial pre- and post-conditions.
effect St (a:Type) = ST a (fun h -> True) (fun _ _ _ -> True)
When programming with multiple effects, you can instruct F* to automatically infer a specification for your program with a predicate transformer that captures the semantics of all the effects you use. The way this works is that F* computes the least effect for each sub-term of your program, and then lifts the specification of each sub-term into some larger effect, as may be needed by the context.
For example, say you write:
let y = !x in y + 1
The sub-term !x
has the STATE
effect; whereas the sub-term y+1
. Since the whole term has at least STATE
effect, we'd like
to lift the pure sub-computation to STATE
. To do this, you can
specify that PURE
is a sub-effect of STATE
, as follows (adapted
from lib/prims.fst
PURE ~> STATE = fun (a:Type) (wp:PureWP a) (p:StatePost a) (h:heap) ->
wp (fun a -> p a h)
This says that in order to lift a PURE
compuataion to STATE
, we
lift its wp:PureWP a
(equivalently for its wlp
) to a StateWP a
that says that that pure computation leaves the state unmodified.
Note that the type of PURE ~> STATE
(a:Type) -> PureWP a -> StatePost a -> heap -> Type
which corresponds
to (a:Type) -> PureWP a -> StateWP a
kind StateWP a = StatePost a -> StatePre
kind StatePre = heap -> Type
Finally, as mentioned earlier, in its full form a computation type has
the shape M t1..tn t wp wlp
, where t1..tn
are some user-chosen
indices to the effect constructor M
This is convenient in that it allows effects to be defined parametrically, and specific effects derived just by instantiation.
For example, the STATE
effect is actually defined as an instance of
a more general parameterized effect STATE_h (mem:Type)
, which is
parametric in the type of the memory used by the state monad.
Specifically, we have in lib/prims.fst
new_effect STATE = STATE_h heap
However, as we will see in subsequent sections, it is often convenient to define other variants of the state monad using different memory structures.
In the previous chapter, we saw how F*'s ST
monad was specified. We
now look at several programs illustrating its use. If you skipped the
previous chapter, you should be ok—we'll explain what's needed about
the ST
monad as we go along, although, eventually, you'll probably
want to refer to the previous chapter for more details.
We'll start with a simple example, based on the access control example
from 1.1. A restriction of that example was that the
access control policy was fixed by the two functions canWrite
. What if we want to administer access rights using an access
control list (ACL)? Here's one simple way to model it—of course, a
full implementation of stateful access control would have to pay
attention to many more details.
The main idea is to maintain a reference that holds the current access control list. In order to access a resource, we need to prove that the current state contains the appropriate permission.
Here's how it goes:
module DynACLs
open FStar.List
open FStar.Heap (* we open the Heap namespace to use stateful primitives *)
type file = string
(* Each entry is an element in our access-control list *)
type entry =
| Readable of string
| Writable of string
type db = list entry
(* The acls reference stores the current access-control list, initially empty *)
val acls : ref (list entry)
let acls = ref []
(* We define two pure functions that test whether
the suitable permission exists in some db *)
let canRead db file =
is_Some (find (function Readable x | Writable x -> x=file) db)
let canWrite db file =
is_Some (find (function Writable x -> x=file | _ -> false) db)
Here are two stateful functions which alter the access control list.
In reality, these functions may themselves be protected by some
further authentication mechanism to ensure that an attacker cannot
alter the access control list
F* infers a fully precise predicate transformer semantics for them
let grant e = acls := e::!acls
let revoke e = acls := filter (fun e' -> e<>e') !acls
(* Next, we model two primitives that provide access to files *)
(* We use two heap predicates, which will serve as stateful pre-conditions *)
type CanRead (f:file) (h:heap) = b2t (canRead (sel h acls) f)
type CanWrite (f:file) (h:heap) = b2t (canWrite (sel h acls) f)
(* In order to call `read`, you need to prove
the `CanRead f` permission exists in the input heap *)
assume val read: f:file -> ST string
(requires (CanRead f))
(ensures (fun h s h' -> h=h'))
(* Likewise for `delete` *)
assume val delete: f:file -> ST unit
(requires (CanWrite f))
(ensures (fun h s h' -> h=h'))
(* Then, we have a top-level API, which provides protected
access to a file by first checking the access control list.
If the check fails, it raises a fatal exception using `failwith`.
As such, it is defined to have effect `All`, which combines
both state and exceptions.
Regardless, the specification proves that `checkedDelete`
does not change the heap.
val checkedDelete: file -> All unit
(requires (fun h -> True))
(ensures (fun h x h' -> h=h'))
let checkedDelete file =
if canWrite !acls file
then delete file
else failwith "unwritable"
(* Finally, we have a top-level client program *)
val test_acls: file -> unit
let test_acls f =
grant (Readable f); (* ok *)
let _ = read f in (* ok --- it's in the acl *)
(* delete f; not ok --- we're only allowed to read it *)
checkedDelete f; (* ok, but fails dynamically *)
revoke (Readable f);
(* let _ = read f in *) (* not ok any more *)
練習問題 10a:
Write down some types for grant
and revoke
that are sufficiently
precise to allow the program to continue to type-check.
val grant : e:entry -> ST unit (requires (fun h -> True))
(ensures (fun h x h' -> True))
let grant e = ST.write acls (e::ST.read acls)
val revoke: e:entry -> ST unit (requires (fun h -> True))
(ensures (fun h x h' -> True))
let revoke e =
let db = List.filterT (fun e' -> e<>e') (ST.read acls) in
ST.write acls db
val grant : e:entry -> ST unit (requires (fun h -> True))
(ensures (fun h x h' -> sel h' acls = e::sel h acls))
let grant e = ST.write acls (e::ST.read acls)
val revoke: e:entry -> ST unit (requires (fun h -> True))
(ensures (fun h x h' -> not(List.mem e (sel h' acls))))
let revoke e =
let db = List.filter (fun e' -> e<>e') (ST.read acls) in
ST.write acls db
A central problem in reasoning about heap-manipulating programs has to do with reasoning about updates to references in the presence of aliasing. In general, any two references (with compatible types) can alias each other (i.e, they may refer to the same piece of memory), so updating one can also change the contents of the other. In this section, we'll look at two small but representative samples that illustrate how this form of reasoning can be done in F*.
For our first example, we define the type of a 2-dimensional
mutable point. The refinement on y
ensures that the references
used to store each coordinate are distinct.
type point =
| Point : x:ref int -> y:ref int{y<>x} -> point
Allocating a new point is straightforward:
let new_point x y =
let x = ST.alloc x in
let y = ST.alloc y in
Point x y
As is moving a point by a unit along the x
let shift_x p = Point.x p := !(Point.x p) + 1
Now, things get a bit more interesting. Let's say we have
a pair of points, p1
and p2
, we want to shift p1
, and
reason that p2
is unchanged. For example, we'd like
to identify some conditions that are sufficient to prove that
the assertion in the program below always succeeds.
let shift_p1 (p1:point) (p2:point) =
let p2_0 = !(Point.x p2), !(Point.y p2) in //p2 is initially p2_0
shift_x p1;
let p2_1 = !(Point.x p2), !(Point.y p2) in
assert (p2_0 = p2_1) //p2 is unchanged
If you give this program (reproduced in its entirety below) to F*, it
will report no errors. This may surprise you: after all, if you call
shift_p1 p p
the assertion will indeed fail. What's going on here is that
for functions in the ST
effect, F* infers a most precise type for it,
and if the programmer did not write down any other specification, this
precise inferred type is what F* will use. This means that without an
annotation on shift_p1
, F* does not check that the assertion will succeed
on every invocation of shift_p1
; instead, using the inferred type it will
aim to prove that the assertion will succeed whenever the function is
called. Let's try:
val test0: unit -> St unit
let test0 () =
let x = new_point 0 0 in
shift_p1 x x
Here, we wrote a specification for test0
, asking it to have trivial
pre-condition. When we ask F* to check this, it complains at the call to
shift_p1 x x
, saying that the assertion failed.
If we try calling shift_p1
with two distinct points, as below, then we
can prove that the assertion succeeds.
val test1: unit -> St unit
let test1 () =
let x = new_point 0 0 in
let y = new_point 0 0
shift_p1 x y
In simple code like our example above, it is a reasonable trade-off to let F* infer the most precise type of a function, and to have it check later, at each call site, that the those calls are safe.
As you write larger programs, it's a good idea to write down the types you expect, at least for tricky top-level functions. To see what these types look like for stateful programs, let's decorate each of the top-level functions in our example with the types—for these tiny functions, the types can often be larger than the code itself; but this is just an exercise. Typically, one wouldn't write down the types of such simple functions.
and the Heap.modifies
predicateLet's start with shift_x
, since it is the simplest:
Here's one very precise type for it:
val shift_x : p:point -> ST unit
(requires (fun h -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> h1=upd h0 (Point.x p) (sel h0 (Point.x p) + 1)))
Another, less precise but more idiomatic type for it is:
val shift_x : p:point -> ST unit
(requires (fun h -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (only (Point.x p)) h0 h1))
Informally, ensures
-clause above says that the heap after calling this
function (h1
) differs from the initial heap h0
only at Point.x
possibly some newly allocated locations). Let's look at it in more detail.
The predicate modifies
is defined in the module Heap
). First, let's look at its signature, which says that it
relates a set aref
to a pair of heaps. The type aref
is the type of a
reference, but with the type of referent abstracted. As such, the first
argument to modifies
is a set of heterogenously typed references.
type aref =
| Ref : #a:Type -> ref a -> aref
let only x = Set.singleton (Ref x)
type modifies : set aref -> heap -> heap -> Type
The definition of modifies
type modifies mods h0 h1 =
Heap.equal h1 (Heap.concat h1 (Heap.restrict (Set.complement mods) h0))
Heap.equal: Heap.equal
is an equivalence relation on heap
capturing the notion of
extensional equality; i.e., two heaps are extensionally equal if they map each
reference to the same value.
Heap.concat: Each reference r
in the heap concat h h'
contains a value that is the
same as in h
, except if the r
is in h'
, in which case it's value is
whatever value h'
contains at r
. More formally:
sel r (concat h h')
= if contains h' r then sel h' r else sel h r
Heap.restrict The function restrict s h
provides a way to shrink
the domain of the heap h
to be at most s
. Specifically:
contains (restrict s h) r = Set.mem (Ref r) s && contains h r
Altogether, the definition of modifies
says that for every reference r
if r
is not in the set mods
and r
if the heap h0
contains r
then sel h1 r = sel h0 r
, i.e., it hasn't changed. Otherwise,
sel h1 r = sel h1 r
—meaning we know nothing else about it.
Remark. We define the following infix operators to build sets of heterogenous references.
let op_Hat_Plus_Plus (#a:Type) (r:ref a) (s:set aref) =
Set.union (Set.singleton (Ref r)) s
let op_Plus_Plus_Hat (#a:Type) (s:set aref) (r:ref a) =
Set.union s (Set.singleton (Ref r))
let op_Hat_Plus_Hat (#a:Type) (#b:Type) (r1:ref a) (r2:ref b) =
Set.union (Set.singleton (Ref r1)) (Set.singleton (Ref r2))
and freshness of referencesHere's a precise type for new_point
, with its definition reproduced
for convenience.
val new_point: x:int -> y:int -> ST point
(requires (fun h -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 p h1 ->
modifies Set.empty h0 h1
/\ fresh (Point.x p ^+^ Point.y p) h0 h1
/\ Heap.sel h1 (Point.x p) = x
/\ Heap.sel h1 (Point.y p) = y))
let new_point x y =
let x = ST.alloc x in
let y = ST.alloc y in
Point x y
The modifies
clause says the function modifies no existing
reference—that's easy to see, it only allocates new references.
In the body of the definition, we build Point x y
and the type of
requires us to prove that x <> y
. The only way to prove that is
if we know that ref
returns a distinct reference each time, i.e., we
need freshness.
The type of ST.alloc
gives us the freshness we need to prove that x <> y
. The type
below says that the returned reference does not exists in the initial heap
and does exist in the final heap (initialized appropriately).
val alloc: #a:Type -> init:a -> ST (ref a)
(requires (fun h -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 r h1 -> fresh (only r) h0 h1 /\ h1==upd h0 r init))
type fresh (refs:set aref) (h0:heap) (h1:heap) =
forall (a:Type) (r:ref a). mem (Ref r) refs
==> not(contains h0 a) /\ contains h1 a
Coming back to the type of new_point
: By stating that the new heap
contains both Point.x
and Point.y
, we provide the caller with enough
information to prove that any references that it might allocate
subsequently will be different from the references in the newly allocated
point. For example, the assertion in the code below succeeds, only
because new_point
guarantees that the heap prior to the allocation of
contains Point.x p
; and ST.alloc
guarantees that z
is different
from any reference that exists in the prior heap. Carrying
predicates in specifications is important for this
let p = new_point () in
let z = ST.alloc 0 in
assert (Point.x p <> z)
On the other hand, since the ST
library we are working with provides no
ability to deallocate a reference (other versions of it do; see, for
example, lib/stperm.fst
), we know that if we have a value v:ref t
that the current heap must contain it. Capturing this invariant, the ST
library also provides the following primitive (whose implementation is a
val recall: #a:Type -> r:ref a -> ST unit
(requires (fun h -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> h0=h1 /\ Heap.contains h1 r))
Using this, we can write the following code.
val f : ref int -> St unit
let f (x:ref int) =
recall x; //gives us that the initial heap contains x, for free
let y = ST.alloc 0 in
assert (y <> x)
As a matter of style, we prefer to keep the use of recall
to a minimum,
and instead carry Heap.contains
predicates in our specifications, as
much as possible.
Now, we have all the machinery we need to give shift_p1
a sufficiently
strong type to prove that its assertion will never fail (if its pre-condition is met).
val shift_p1: p1:point
-> p2:point{ Point.x p2 <> Point.x p1
/\ Point.y p2 <> Point.x p1 }
-> ST unit
(requires (fun h -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (only (Point.x p1)) h0 h1))
In order to prove that the assignment to Point.x p1
did not change
, we need to know that Point.x p1
does not alias either component
of p2
. In general, if p1
can change arbitrarily, we also need the
other two conjuncts, i.e., we will need that the references of p1
and p2
are pairwise distinct.
A note on style: we could have placed the refinement on p2
within the
requires clause. However, since the refinement is independent of the
state, we prefer to write it in a manner that makes its state independence
練習問題 10b:
Change shift_x
to the function shift
below that moves both the x
and y
of its argument by some amount. Prove that calling this function in
does not change p2
let shift p = Point.x p := 17; Point.y p := 18
The style of the previous section is quite general. But, as programs scale up, specifying and reasoning about anti-aliasing can get to be quite tedious. In this chapter, we look at an alternative way of proving stateful programs correct by making use of a more structured representation of memory that we call a “HyperHeap”. First, we illustrate the problem of scaling up the approach of the previous chapter to even slightly larger examples
type a = b
Let's have some fun with flying robots. Maybe you've seen this classic Japanese TV series from the 60s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_Robo_(tokusatsu). Let's build a tiny model of this flying robot.
Our bot
has a 3d-point representing its position; and two arms, both in polar coordinates.
type bot = {
and point = {
x:ref int;
y:ref int;
z:ref int;
and arm = {
polar:ref int;
azim:ref int
Our bot has an invariant: whenever it is flying, it has its arms up.
We can write a function to make our robot fly, which sets its arms up and then shoots the robot into the sky.
let fly b =
b.left.polar := 0;
b.right.polar := 0;
b.z := 100
Now, we'd like to prove properties like the following:
//initially, in h0: b1 not flying, b2 not flying
fly b1
//in h1: b1 flying, b2 not flying
To prove this property, and to prove that the bot's invariant is maintained, we need many anti-aliasing invariants, including the following (stated informally).
forall r1, r2. r1 in refs_in b1
/\ r2 in refs_in b2 ==> r1 <> r2
refs in b.left.arm `disjoint` refs in b.pos
refs in b.right.arm `disjoint` refs in b.pos
refs in b.left.arm `disjoint` refs in b.right.arm
As you can see, what started out as a bit of fun programming is now a painful exercise in managing anti-aliasing invariants. Worse, even if we state all these invariants, proving that they are preserved involves reasoning about a quadratic number of inequalities between the all the references in each robot, as well as a further quadratic inequalities among the references of each bot.
F*'s effect mechanism provides an alternative to this tedium. Instead of
working with the primitive ST
effect (and its flat model of memory via
the heap
type) that we have been working with so far, we can define
easily define a different, more structured view of memory as a new effect.
One such alternative is the HyperHeap, a model of memory which provides a
convenient built-in notion of disjoint sets of references.
So far, we have been working with the heap
type, a flat, typed-map from
references to their contents. The ref
type is abstract—it has no structure
and only supports equality operations. Conceptually, it looks like this:
A hyper-heap provides organizes the heap into many disjoint fragments, or regions. Each region is collectively addressed by a region identifier, and these identifiers are organized in a tree-shaped hierarchy. Each region is itself a map from typed references to values, just like our heaps from before. The picture below depicts the structure.
At the top-level we have regions R0 ... Rn
, each associated with a
fragment of heap references. Region identifiers R0.0 ... R0.m
within the hierarchy rooted at R0
; each has a set of references distinct from
all other regions (including its parent R0
); and so on.
The HyperHeap
module in F*'s standard library defines this structure,
a type rid
for region ids, and a type rref (r:rid) (a:Type)
, which is
the type of a reference in region r
that points to an a
-typed value.
We prove that values of type rref r a
are in an injection with values
of type ref a
—meaning that hyper-heaps are in 1-1 correspondence with
the underlying heap, except, as we will see, the additional structure
provided helps with stating and proving memory invariants.
The module HyperHeap
defines (see lib/hyperheap.fsi
, for its abstract
type t = Map.t rid heap
new_effect STATE = STATE_h t
effect ST (a:Type) (pre:t -> Type) (post:t -> a -> t -> Type) =
STATE a (fun 'p m0 -> pre m0 /\ (forall x m1. post m0 x m1 ==> 'p x m1))
(fun 'p m0 -> (forall x m1. pre m0 /\ post m0 x m1 ==> 'p x m1))
That is HyperHeap.STATE
and HyperHeap.ST
are just like the STATE
and ST
we've been working with, except that instead of the type of
memory being a flat heap
, the memory has type HyperHeap.t
, a map from
region ids rid
to heaps
The type rid
is abstract to clients, with a few operations on it
revealing its hierarchical structure. Specifically, we have three functions:
type rid
val root : rid
val includes : rid -> rid -> Tot bool
val extends : rid -> rid -> Tot bool
let disjoint i j = not (includes i j) && not (includes j i)
One way to think of rid
is as a list int
, where includes i j
if and
only if i
is a prefix of j
; and extends i j
is true if i = _::j
However, while this may provide you with some intuition, formally, the
only properties that these functions are known to satisfy are revealed by
the following lemmas:
val lemma_includes_refl: i:rid
-> Lemma (requires (True))
(ensures (includes i i))
[SMTPat (includes i i)]
val lemma_disjoint_includes: i:rid -> j:rid -> k:rid
-> Lemma (requires (disjoint i j /\ includes j k))
(ensures (disjoint i k))
[SMTPat (disjoint i j);
SMTPat (includes j k)]
val lemma_extends_includes: i:rid -> j:rid
-> Lemma (requires (extends j i))
(ensures (includes i j))
[SMTPat (extends j i)]
val lemma_extends_disjoint: i:rid -> j:rid -> k:rid
-> Lemma (requires (extends j i /\ extends k i /\ j<>k))
(ensures (disjoint j k))
[SMTPat (extends j i);
SMTPat (extends k i)]
Next, we have a type rref
for region-indexed
references, as a funtion as_ref
that coerces an rref
to its
underlying heap reference.
The functions as_ref
and ref_as_rref
have effect GTot
, indicating
that they are ghostly total functions. A subsequent chapter will
describe ghost effects in more detail. For now, it suffices to know that
computations with effect GTot
can only be used in specifications.
Concrete executable programs cannot use GTot
. In this case, the GTot
effect is used to ensure that client programs of HyperHeap
cannot break
the abstraction of the rref
type, except in their specifications.
type rref : rid -> Type -> Type
val as_ref : #a:Type -> #id:rid -> r:rref id a -> GTot (ref a)
val ref_as_rref : #a:Type -> i:rid -> r:ref a -> GTot (rref i a)
val lemma_as_ref_inj: #a:Type -> #i:rid -> r:rref i a
-> Lemma (requires (True))
(ensures ((ref_as_rref i (as_ref r) = r)))
[SMTPat (as_ref r)]
The functions Heap.sel
and Heap.upd
are adapted to work with
hyper-heaps instead; in effect, we select first the region i
corresponding to rref i a
and then perform the select/update within the
heap within that region. An important point to note is that although the
type is structured hierarchically, the map of all regions is itself
flat. Thus, selecting the region corresponding to i
is constant time
operation (rather than requiring a tree traversal). As we will see below,
this is crucial for good automation in proofs.
let sel (#a:Type) (#i:rid) (m:t) (r:rref i a) = Heap.sel (Map.sel m i) (as_ref r)
let upd (#a:Type) (#i:rid) (m:t) (r:rref i a) (v:a)
= Map.upd m i (Heap.upd (Map.sel m i) (as_ref r) v)
Creating a new region HyperHeap
also provides four main stateful functions. The
first of these, new_region r0
, allocates a new, empty region rooted at r0
val new_region: r0:rid -> ST rid
(requires (fun m -> True))
(ensures (fun (m0:t) (r1:rid) (m1:t) ->
extends r1 r0
/\ fresh_region r1 m0 m1
/\ m1=Map.upd m0 r1 Heap.emp))
Allocating a reference in a region The function ralloc r v
allocates a new reference
in region r
and initializes its contents to v
val ralloc: #a:Type -> i:rid -> init:a -> ST (rref i a)
(requires (fun m -> True))
(ensures (fun m0 x m1 ->
Let (Map.sel m0 i) (fun region_i ->
not (Heap.contains region_i (as_ref x))
/\ m1=Map.upd m0 i (Heap.upd region_i (as_ref x) init))))
Reading and writing references These next two operations are written !r
and r := v
, for dereference and assignment of rref
's, respectively.
val op_Bang: #a:Type -> #i:rid -> r:rref i a -> ST a
(requires (fun m -> True))
(ensures (fun m0 x m1 -> m1=m0 /\ x=Heap.sel (Map.sel m0 i) (as_ref r)))
val op_Colon_Equals: #a:Type -> #i:rid -> r:rref i a -> v:a -> ST unit
(requires (fun m -> True))
(ensures (fun m0 _u m1 -> m1=Map.upd m0 i (Heap.upd (Map.sel m0 i) (as_ref r) v)))
revisedFinally, we redefine modifies
clauses to work with hyper-heaps instead
of heaps. Crucially, given a region ids r1, ..., rn
, we intend to write
modifies (r1 ^++ ... ++^ rn) h0 h1
to mean that h1
may differ from
in all regions rooted at some region in the set {r1, ..., rn}
(and, as before, any other regions that are newly allocated in h1
). As
we will see, generalizing modifies clauses to work with hierarchical
region names is a crucial feature, both for compactness of specifications
and for better automation.
type modifies (s:Set.set rid) (m0:t) (m1:t) =
Map.Equal m1 (Map.concat m1 (Map.restrict (Set.complement (mod_set s)) m0))
val mod_set : Set.set rid -> GTot (Set.set rid)
and forall (x:rid) (s:Set.set rid).
Set.mem x (mod_set s) <==> (exists (y:rid). Set.mem y s /\ includes y x)
The interpretation of Map.restrict, Map.concat
and Map.Equal
analogous to the counterparts for Heap
discussed in the previous
The definition of mod_set s
is non-constructive, since deciding
Set.mem x (mod_set s)
requires finding a witness in s
, and element
of s
, such that includes y x
. As such, we mark it as a ghost
function with the GTot
We now look at the use of hyper-heaps to solve our problem of programming our robots.
The main idea is to define our data structures in a way that distinct components of the robot are allocated in distinct regions, thereby maintaining an invariant that the components do not interfere. For example, by allocating the left arm and the right arm of the robot in distinct regions, we know that the arms do not alias each other—moving one arm does not disturb the other.
Here's how it goes:
Each type carries an extra implicit parameter, recording the region in
which its mutable references reside. Within a region, we get no free
anti-aliasing properties—so, for those references, we write explicit
inequalities that say, for example, that the x, y
and z
fields of a
point are not aliased.
For the bot
itself, we say that its components are allocated in
disjoint sub-regions of r
, the region of the bot. Note that the
hierarchical region names allow us to state this conveniently. With just
a flat namespace of regions, we would had to have explicitly specified
the set of regions that are transitively allocated within a bot (possibly
breaking the abstraction of sub-objects, which would have to reveal how
many regions they used.)
module Robot
open Util
open Heap
open HyperHeap
type point =
| Point : #r:rid
-> x:rref r int
-> y:rref r int
-> z:rref r int{x<>y /\ y<>z /\ x<>z}
-> point
type arm =
| Arm : #r:rid
-> polar:rref r int
-> azim:rref r int{polar <> azim}
-> arm
type bot =
| Bot : #r:rid
-> pos :point{includes r (Point.r pos)}
-> left :arm {includes r (Arm.r left)}
-> right:arm {includes r (Arm.r right)
/\ disjoint (Point.r pos) (Arm.r left)
/\ disjoint (Point.r pos) (Arm.r right)
/\ disjoint (Arm.r left) (Arm.r right)}
-> bot
Next, we define our robot invariant: whenever it is flying, its arms are
up. Additionally, we state that all the regions of the bot are included
in the heap. This is a matter of taste: alternatively, we could have
omitted the contains
predicates in our invariant, and resorted to
(its analog for hyper-heaps), to prove that a region exists
whenever we need that property.
let flying (b:bot) (h:HyperHeap.t) =
sel h (Point.z (Bot.pos b)) > 0
let arms_up (b:bot) (h:HyperHeap.t) =
sel h (Arm.polar (Bot.right b)) = 0
&& sel h (Arm.polar (Bot.left b)) = 0
type robot_inv (b:bot) (h:HyperHeap.t) =
Map.contains h (Bot.r b)
/\ Map.contains h (Point.r (Bot.pos b))
/\ Map.contains h (Arm.r (Bot.left b))
/\ Map.contains h (Arm.r (Bot.right b))
/\ (flying b h ==> arms_up b h)
Now, we come to the code that builds new points, arms, and robots. In
each case, the caller specifies r0
, the region within which the object
is to be allocated. We create a new sub-region of r0
, allocate the
object within in, prove that the region is fresh (meaning the initial
heap does not contain that region, while the final heap does), and that
the object is initialized as expected. Inthe case of new_robot
, we also
prove that the the returned bot
satisfies the robot invariant.
val new_point: r0:rid -> x:int -> y:int -> z:int -> ST point
(requires (fun h0 -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 p h1 ->
modifies Set.empty h0 h1
/\ extends (Point.r p) r0
/\ fresh_region (Point.r p) h0 h1
/\ sel h1 (Point.x p) = x
/\ sel h1 (Point.y p) = y
/\ sel h1 (Point.z p) = z))
let new_point r0 x y z=
let r = new_region r0 in
let x = ralloc r x in
let y = ralloc r y in
let z = ralloc r z in
Point x y z
val new_arm: r0:rid -> ST arm
(requires (fun h0 -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 x h1 ->
modifies Set.empty h0 h1
/\ extends (Arm.r x) r0
/\ fresh_region (Arm.r x) h0 h1))
let new_arm r0 =
let r = new_region r0 in
let p = ralloc r 0 in
let a = ralloc r 0 in
Arm p a
val new_robot: r0:rid -> ST bot (requires (fun h0 -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 x h1 ->
modifies Set.empty h0 h1
/\ extends (Bot.r x) r0
/\ fresh_region (Bot.r x) h0 h1
/\ robot_inv x h1))
let new_robot r0 =
let r = new_region r0 in
let p = new_point r 0 0 0 in
let left = new_arm r in
let right = new_arm r in
Bot #r p left right
Next, we write our function fly
, which sets the robots arms up, and
shoots it up to fly. As an illustration, we show that we can also modify
some other reference arbitrarily, and the anti-aliasing properties of our
invariant suffice to prove that this assignment does not mess with the
robot invariant.
val fly: b:bot -> ST unit
(requires (robot_inv b))
(ensures (fun h0 _u h1 ->
modifies (only (Bot.r b)) h0 h1
/\ robot_inv b h1
/\ flying b h1))
let fly b =
Arm.polar (Bot.left b) := 0;
Arm.polar (Bot.right b) := 0;
Point.z (Bot.pos b) := 100
Arm.azim (Bot.right b) := 17;
Finally, if we're given two robots, b0
and b1
, we know that they are
allocated in disjoint regions, and satisfy the robot invariant, then we
can fly one, not impact the invariant of the other; then fly the other,
and have both of them flying at the end.
val fly_robots: b0:bot
-> b1:bot{disjoint (Bot.r b0) (Bot.r b1)}
-> ST unit
(requires (fun h -> robot_inv b0 h /\ robot_inv b1 h))
(ensures (fun h0 x h1 ->
modifies (Bot.r b0 ^+^ Bot.r b1) h0 h1
/\ robot_inv b0 h1
/\ robot_inv b1 h1
/\ flying b0 h1
/\ flying b1 h1))
let fly_robots b0 b1 =
fly b0;
fly b1
練習問題 11a:
Extend this example by adding a function which takes a list of robots,
each in a region disjoint from all others, and fly all of them.
val fly_robot_army: ...
val fly_robot_army: #rs:Set.set rid
-> bs:bots rs
-> ST unit
(requires (fun h -> (forall b.{:pattern (trigger b)}
(trigger b /\ mem b bs ==> robot_inv b h))))
(ensures (fun h0 _u h1 ->
modifies rs h0 h1
/\ (forall b.{:pattern (trigger b)}
(trigger b /\ mem b bs ==> robot_inv b h1 /\ flying b h1))))
The style of dynamic frames and explicit inequalities between objects is
not incompatible with hyper-heaps: as we've also seen, within a region,
we resort to pairwise inequalities, as usual. However, using hyper-heaps
where possible, as we've just seen, makes specifications much more
concise. As it turns out, they also make verifying programs much more
efficient. On some benchmarks, we've noticed a speedup in verification
time of more than a factor of 20x
when using hyper-heaps for
disjointness invariants. In this section, we look a bit more closely at
what's happening under the covers and why hyper-heaps help.
First, without hyper heaps, consider a computation f ()
run in a heap
and producing a heap h1
related by modifies {x1,...,xn} h0 h1
for some set of references {x1...xn}
. Consider also some predicate
Q = fun h -> P (sel h y1) ... (sel h yn)
, which is initially true in
. We would like to prove that if Q h1
is also true. In other words,
we need to prove the formula:
Expanding definitions:
P (sel h0 y1) ... (sel h0 ym)
/\ h1 = concat h1 (restrict (complement {x1..xn}) h0)
==> P (sel h1 y1) ... (sel h1 ym)
In general, for an arbitrary uninterpreted predicate P
, to prove this,
one must prove an quadratic number of inequalities, e.g., to prove that
sel h1 y1 = sel h0 y1
, requires proving that y1
is not equal to any
the {x1..xn}
However, if one can group related references into regions (meaning
related references are generally read and updated together), one can do
much better. For example, moving to hyper-heaps, suppose we place all the
in a region included by rx
. Suppose {y1,...,ym}
are all
allocated in some region ry
. Now, our goal is to prove
P (Heap.sel (Map.sel h0 ry) y1) ... (Heap.sel (Map.sel h0 ry) ym)
/\ h1 = concat h1 (restrict (mod_set {rx}) h0)
==> P (Heap.sel (Map.sel h1 ry) y1) ... (Heap.sel (Map.sel h1 ry) ym)
To prove this, we only need to prove that
Map.sel h0 ry = Map.sel h1 ry
, which involves proving
not (included rx ry)
. Having proven this fact, the SMT solver simply
unifies the representation of all occurrences of these sub-terms
everywhere in the formula above and concludes the proof immediately.
Thus, in such (arguably common) cases, what initially required quadratic
number of reasoning steps, now only requires a constant number of steps!
In more general scenarios, we may still have to perform a quadratic number of reasoning steps, but with hyper-heaps, we are quadratic only in the number of regions involved, which are often much smaller than the number of references that they may contain. The use of region hierarchies serves to further reduce the number of region identifiers that one refers to, making the constants smaller still. Of course, in the degenerate case where one has just one reference per region, this devolves back to the performance one would get without regions at all.
We begin with our cryptographic library.
module MAC
open Array
open SHA1
Message authentication codes (MACs) provide integrity protection based on keyed cryptographic hashes. We define an F* module that implements this functionality.
We attach an authenticated property to each key used as a pre-condition for MACing and a postcondition of MAC verification.
opaque type key_prop : key -> text -> Type
type pkey (p:(text -> Type)) = k:key{key_prop k == p}
(In the RPC example below we will use a key of type pkey reqresp
opaque logic type reqresp (msg:text) =
(exists s. msg = request s /\ Request s)
\/ (exists s t. msg = response s t /\ Response s t)
Next, we define the types of functions that a MAC library is supposed to provide:
val keygen: p:(text -> Type) -> pkey p
val mac: k:key -> t:text{key_prop k t} -> tag
val verify: k:key -> t:text -> tag -> b:bool{b ==> key_prop k t}
We extend the acls2.fst example with cryptographic capabilities, so that our trusted ACLs library can now issue and accept HMACSHA1 tags as evidence that a given file is readable.
What is the advantage of capabilities over the refinements already provided in acls2.fst?
練習問題 12a:
Relying on acls2.fst and mac.fst, implement a pair of functions with
the following specification, and verify them by typing under the
security assumption that HMACSHA1 is INT-CPA.
val issue: f:file{ canRead f } -> SHA1.tag
val redeem: f:file -> m:SHA1.tag -> u:unit{ canRead f }
To this end, assume given a UTF8 encoding function from strings to bytes, with the following specification:
assume val utf8: s:string -> Tot (seq byte)
assume UTF8_inj:
forall s0 s1.{:pattern (utf8 s0); (utf8 s1)}
equal (utf8 s0) (utf8 s1) ==> s0==s1
val issue: f:file{ canRead f } -> SHA1.tag
val redeem: f:file -> m:SHA1.tag -> u:unit{ canRead f }
let issue f = MAC.mac k (utf8 f)
let redeem f t = if MAC.verify k (utf8 f) t then () else failwith "bad capability"
How would we extend it to also cover CanWrite access?
We describe a simple secure RPC implementation, which consists of three
modules: Mac
, our library for MACs, Format
, a module for message
formatting, and RPC
, a module for the rest of the protocol code.
(Placing the formatting functions request and response in a separate
module is convenient to illustrate modular programming and verification.)
To start with we consider a single client and server. The security goals of
our RPC protocol are that (1) whenever the server accepts a
request message s
from the client, the client has indeed sent the message to
the server and, conversely,
(2) whenever the client accepts a response message t
from the server,
the server has indeed sent the
message in response to a matching request from the client.
To this end, the protocol uses message authentication codes (MACs) computed as keyed hashes, such that each symmetric MAC key kab is associated with (and known to) the pair of principals a and b. Our protocol may be informally described as follows. An Authenticated RPC Protocol:
1. client->server utf8 s | (mac kab (request s))
2. server->client utf8 t | (mac kab (response s t))
In the protocol narration, each line indicates an intended communication of data from one principal to another.
marshalls strings such as s
and t
into byte arrays
that can be send over the network. |
written also append
is a function concatenating bytes
. request
and response
message digests (the authenticated values). These functions may for
instance be implemented as tagged concatenations of their utf8-encoded
arguments. These functions will be detailed in the Format
Below we give an implementation of the protocol using these functions, the functions of the ‘Mac’ module, and networking functions
assume val send: message -> unit
assume val recv: (message -> unit) -> unit
These functions model an untrusted network controlled by the adversary, who decides through their implementation when to deliver messages.
Two events, record genuine requests and responses
logic type Request : string -> Type
logic type Response : string -> string -> Type
in the following protocol
let client (s:string16) =
assume (Request s);
send (append (utf8 s) (mac k (request s)));
recv (fun msg ->
if length msg < macsize then failwith "Too short"
let (v, m') = split msg (length msg - macsize) in
let t = iutf8 v in
if verify k (response s t) m'
then assert (Response s t))
let server () =
recv (fun msg ->
if length msg < macsize then failwith "Too short"
let (v,m) = split msg (length msg - macsize) in
if length v > 65535 then failwith "Too long"
let s = iutf8 v in
if verify k (request s) m
( assert (Request s);
let t = "22" in
assume (Response s t);
send (append (utf8 t) (mac k (response s t)))))
The assert
guarantee that messages that are received by a party have been sent by its peer.
The Format module used by the protocol implementation exports among others the following types and functions.
type message = seq byte
type msg (l:nat) = m:message{length m==l}
val request : string -> Tot message
let request s = append tag0 (utf8 s)
val response: string16 -> string -> Tot message
let response s t =
let lb = uint16_to_bytes (length (utf8 s)) in
append tag1 (append lb (append (utf8 s) (utf8 t)))
We require 3 lemmas on message formats:
For authentication properties, we require both functions to be injective, so that authenticating the bytes unambiguously authenticate the text before marshalling.
練習問題 12b:
Try to state this formally as three lemmas.
val req_resp_distinct:
s:string -> s':string16 -> t':string ->
Lemma (requires True)
(ensures (request s <> response s' t'))
[SMTPat (request s); SMTPat (response s' t')]
val req_components_corr:
s0:string -> s1:string ->
Lemma (requires (request s0 == request s1))
(ensures (s0==s1))
val resp_components_corr:
s0:string16 -> t0:string -> s1:string16 -> t1:string ->
Lemma (requires (response s0 t0 == response s1 t1))
(ensures (s0==s1 /\ t0==t1))
練習問題 12c:
Prove these three lemmas.
let req_resp_distinct s s' t' =
assert (Array.index (request s) 0 <> Array.index (response s' t') 0)
let req_components_corr s0 s1 = ()
let resp_components_corr s0 t0 s1 t1 = ()
Remark. In the lecture we also saw an extended protocol where we have a population of principals, represented as concrete strings ranged over by a and b, that intend to perform various remote procedure calls (RPCs) over a public network. The RPCs consist of requests and responses, both also represented as strings. The security goals of our RPC protocol are that (1) whenever a principal b accepts a request message s from a, principal a has indeed sent the message to b and, conversely, (2) whenever a accepts a response message t from b, principal b has indeed sent the message in response to a matching request from a.
We intend to MAC and/or encrypt plaintexts of variable sizes using fixed-sized algorithms, such as those that operate on 256-bit blocks, such as AES.
To this end, we use the following classic padding scheme (used for instance in TLS).
module Pad
open Array
(* two coercions from uint8 <--> n:int { 0 <= n < 255 } *)
assume val n2b: n:nat {( n < 256 )} -> Tot uint8
assume val b2n: b:uint8 -> Tot (n:nat { (n < 256) /\ n2b n = b })
type bytes = seq byte (* concrete byte arrays *)
type nbytes (n:nat) = b:bytes{length b == n} (* fixed-length bytes *)
let blocksize = 32
type block = nbytes blocksize
type text = b:bytes {(length b < blocksize)}
let pad n = Array.create n (n2b (n-1))
let encode (a:text) = append a (pad (blocksize - length a))
let decode (b:block) =
let padsize = b2n(index b (blocksize - 1)) + 1 in
if op_LessThan padsize blocksize then
let (plain,padding) = split b (blocksize - padsize) in
if padding = pad padsize
then Some plain
else None
else None
練習問題 12d:
What do these function do? Write as precise as possible
typed specifications for these functions. In particular
show that decoding cancels out encoding.
val pad: n:nat { 1 <= n /\ n <= blocksize } -> Tot (nbytes n)
val encode: a: text -> Tot block
val decode: b:block -> Tot (option (t:text { Array.equal b (encode t)}))
練習問題 12e:
Is it a good padding scheme? What are its main properties?
Prove a lemma that expresses its injectivity.
Provide examples of other schemes, both good and bad.
A padding scheme should be invertible. For authentication properties, we require it to be injective, so that authenticating a padded text unambiguously authenticate the text before padding. For instance:
val inj: a: text -> b: text -> Lemma (requires (Array.equal (encode a) (encode b)))
(ensures (Array.equal a b))
[SMTPat (encode a); SMTPat (encode b)]
(decreases (length a))
let inj a b =
if length a = length b
then ()
else let aa = encode a in
let bb = encode b in
cut (Array.index aa 31 =!= Array.index bb 31)
In this context, another good padding scheme is to append a 1 then enough zeros to fill the block. One could also format the message by explicitly including its length. A bad scheme is to fill the rest of the block with zeros (or random values), as the same padded text may then be parsed into several texts ending with 0s.
練習問題 12f:
Relying on that specification, implement and verify a MAC interface
for messages of type text
, i.e., of less than blocksize
using the MAC interface below, which only supports messages of type
To this end, we assume given an implementation of the following module
(adapted from mac.fst
module BMAC
open Pad
let keysize = 16 (* these are the sizes for SHA1 *)
let macsize = 20
type key = nbytes keysize
type tag = nbytes macsize
opaque type key_prop : key -> block -> Type
type pkey (p:(block -> Type)) = k:key{key_prop k == p}
assume val keygen: p:(block -> Type) -> pkey p
assume val mac: k:key -> t:block{key_prop k t} -> tag
assume val verify: k:key -> t:block -> tag -> b:bool{b ==> key_prop k t}
Write a similar module that accepts texts instead of blocks: first the implementations for keygen, mac, and verify, then type annotations to derive their authentication property (on texts) from the one of BMAC (on blocks).
module TMAC
open Pad
let keysize = BMAC.keysize
let macsize = BMAC.macsize
type key = BMAC.key
type tag = BMAC.tag
opaque type bspec (spec: (text -> Type)) (b:block) =
(forall (t:text). b = encode t ==> spec t)
opaque type key_prop : key -> text -> Type
type pkey (p:(text -> Type)) =
k:key{key_prop k == p /\ BMAC.key_prop k == bspec p}
val keygen: p:(text -> Type) -> pkey p
val mac: p:(text -> Type) -> k:pkey p -> t:text{p t} -> tag
val verify: p:(text -> Type) -> k:pkey p -> t:text -> tag -> b:bool{b ==> p t}
let keygen (spec: text -> Type) =
let k = BMAC.keygen (bspec spec) in
assume (key_prop k == spec);
let mac (p:text -> Type) k t = BMAC.mac k (encode t)
let verify k t tag = BMAC.verify k (encode t) tag
練習問題 12g:
(1) Can we similarly construct a MAC scheme for texts
with type text:bytes {length text <= n}
(2) Implement, then verify this construction.
(1) Yes, using two keys: one for text:bytes {length b = n}
and another for text:bytes {length b}
(2) Code:
module MAC2
open Array
open Pad
type text2 = b:bytes { length b <= blocksize }
let keysize = 2 * BMAC.keysize
let macsize = BMAC.macsize
type key = | Keys: k0:BMAC.key -> k1:BMAC.key -> key
type tag = BMAC.tag
opaque type bspec0 (spec: (text2 -> Type)) (b:block) =
(forall (t:text). b = encode t ==> spec t)
opaque type bspec1 (spec: (text2 -> Type)) (b:block) =
spec b
opaque type key_prop : key -> text2 -> Type
type pkey (p:(text2 -> Type)) =
k:key{ key_prop k == p
/\ BMAC.key_prop (Keys.k0 k) == bspec0 p
/\ BMAC.key_prop (Keys.k1 k) == bspec1 p }
val keygen: p:(text2 -> Type) -> pkey p
val mac: p:(text2 -> Type) -> k:pkey p -> t:text2{p t} -> tag
val verify: p:(text2 -> Type) -> k:pkey p -> t:text2 -> tag -> b:bool{b ==> p t}
let keygen (spec: text2 -> Type) =
let k0 = BMAC.keygen (bspec0 spec) in
let k1 = BMAC.keygen (bspec1 spec) in
let k = Keys k0 k1 in
assert (BMAC.key_prop k0 == bspec0 spec);
assert (BMAC.key_prop k1 == bspec1 spec);
assume (key_prop k == spec);
let mac (Keys k0 k1) t =
if length t < blocksize
then BMAC.mac k0 (encode t)
else BMAC.mac k1 t
let verify (Keys k0 k1) t tag =
if length t < blocksize
then BMAC.verify k0 (encode t) tag
else BMAC.verify k1 t tag
練習問題 12h:
What about MAC schemes for texts of arbitrary lengths?
Hint: have a look e.g. at the HMAC construction.
A typical guarantee provided by a secure channel protocol is that messages are received in the same order in which they were sent. To achieve this, we construct a stateful, authenticated encryption scheme from a (stateless) “authenticated encryption with additional data” (AEAD) scheme (Rogaway 2002). Two counters are maintained, one each for the sender and receiver. When a message is to be sent, the counter value is authenticated using the AEAD scheme along with the rest of the message payload and the counter is incremented. The receiver, in turn, checks that the sender’s counter in the message matches hers each time a message is received and increments her counter.
Cryptographically, the ideal functionality behind this scheme involves associating a stateful log with each instance of a encryptor/decryptor key pair. At the level of the stateless functionality, the guarantee is that every message sent is in the log and the receiver only accepts messages that are in the log—no guarantee is provided regarding injectivity or the order in which messages are received. At the stateful level, we again associate a log with each key pair and here we can guarantee that the sends and receives are in injective, order-preserving correspondence. Proving this requires relating the contents of the logs at various levels, and, importantly, proving that the logs associated with different instances of keys do not interfere. We give this proof in F*.
We start with a few types provided by the AEAD
module AEAD
type encryptor = Enc : #r:rid -> log:rref r (seq entry) -> key -> encryptor
and decryptor = Dec : #r:rid -> log:rref r (seq entry) -> key -> decryptor
and entry = Entry : ad:nat -> c:cipher -> p:plain -> basicEntry
An encryptor
encapsulates a key
(an abstract type whose
hidden representation is the raw bytes of a key) with a log of entries
stored in the heap for modeling the ideal
functionality. Each entry
associates a plain
text p
with its cipher
and some additional data ad:nat
. The
log is stored in a region r
, which we maintain as an additional
(erasable) field of Enc
. The decryptor
is similar. It is
worth pointing out that although AEAD
is a stateless
functionality, its cryptographic modeling involves the introduction of
a stateful log. Based on a cryptographic assumption, one can view this log as
On top of AEAD
, we add a Stateful
layer, providing stateful
encryptors and decryptors. StEnc
encapsulates an encryption key
provided by AEAD
together with the sender's counter, ctr
and its own log of stateful entries, associates plain
with cipher
s. The log
and the counter are stored in a
region r
associated with the stateful encryptor. StDec
module Stateful
type st_enc = StEnc : #r:rid -> log: rref r (seq st_entry) -> ctr: rref r nat
-> key:encryptor{extends (Enc.r key) r} -> st_enc
and st_dec = StDec : #r:rid -> log: rref r (seq st_entry) -> ctr: rref r nat
-> key:decryptor{extends (Dec.r key) r} -> st_dec
and st_entry = StEntry : c:cipher -> p:plain -> st_entry
Exploiting the hierarchical structure of hyper-heaps, we store
the AEAD.encryptor
in a distinct sub-region of r
—this is
the meaning of the extends
relation. By doing this, we ensure
that the state associated with the AEAD
encryptor is distinct
from both log
and ctr
. By allocating distinct instances
and k2
in disjoint regions, we can prove that using
(say decrypt k1 c
) does not alter the state
associated with k2
. In this simplified setting with just three
references, the separation provided is minimal; when manipulating
objects with sub-objects that contain many more references (as in our
full development), partitioning them into separate regions provides
disequalities between their references for free.
練習問題 13a:
Look at the following code, what happens in case of decryption failure?
type statefulEntry =
| StEntry : c:cipher -> p:plain -> statefulEntry
type st_encryptor (i:rid) =
| StEnc : log: rref i (seq statefulEntry) ->
ctr: rref i nat ->
key:encryptor i ->
st_encryptor i
type st_decryptor (i:rid) =
| StDec : log: rref i (seq statefulEntry) ->
ctr: rref i nat ->
key:decryptor i ->
st_decryptor i
val stateful_enc : #i:rid -> e:st_encryptor i -> p:plain -> ST cipher
(requires (fun h -> st_enc_inv e h))
(ensures (fun h0 c h1 ->
st_enc_inv e h1
/\ HyperHeap.modifies (Set.singleton i) h0 h1
/\ Heap.modifies (refs_in_e e) (Map.sel h0 i) (Map.sel h1 i)
/\ sel h1 (StEnc.log e) = snoc (sel h0 (StEnc.log e)) (StEntry c p)))
let stateful_enc i (StEnc log ctr e) p =
let c = enc e (op_Bang ctr) p in
op_Colon_Equals log (snoc (op_Bang log) (StEntry c p));
op_Colon_Equals ctr (op_Bang ctr + 1);
val stateful_dec: #i:rid -> d:st_decryptor i -> c:cipher -> ST (option plain)
(requires (fun h -> st_dec_inv d h))
(ensures (fun h0 p h1 ->
st_dec_inv d h0 //repeating pre
/\ st_dec_inv d h1
/\ HyperHeap.modifies (Set.singleton i) h0 h1
/\ Heap.modifies !{as_ref (StDec.ctr d)} (Map.sel h0 i) (Map.sel h1 i)
/\ Let (sel h0 (StDec.ctr d)) (fun (r:nat{r=sel h0 (StDec.ctr d)}) ->
Let (sel h0 (StDec.log d))
(fun (log:seq statefulEntry{log=sel h0 (StDec.log d)}) ->
(is_None p ==> (r = Seq.length log //nothing encrypted yet
|| StEntry.c (Seq.index log r) <> c //wrong cipher
) /\ sel h1 (StDec.ctr d) = r)
/\ (is_Some p ==>
((sel h1 (StDec.ctr d) = r + 1)
/\ StEntry.p (Seq.index log r) = Some.v p))))))
let stateful_dec _id (StDec _ ctr d) c =
let i = op_Bang ctr in
cut(trigger i);
match dec d (op_Bang ctr) c with
| None -> None
| Some p -> op_Colon_Equals ctr (op_Bang ctr + 1); Some p
Next we will look into constructing basic encryption schemes from even lower level cryptographic primitives.
The basis of our first encryption example is the interface of a symmetric encryption scheme based on a block cipher, say AES. It uses a one block initialization vector (IV) that is XORed to the plaintext. The masked value is then enciphered. The ciphertext consists of the IV and this enciphered block.
module AES
open Array
type bytes = seq byte
type nbytes (n:nat) = b:bytes{length b == n}
let blocksize = 32 (* 256 bits *)
type plain = nbytes blocksize
type cipher = nbytes (2 * blocksize) (* including IV *)
let keysize = 16 (* 128 bits *)
type key = nbytes keysize
assume val gen: unit -> key
assume val dec: key -> cipher -> Tot plain
(* this function is pure & complete *)
assume val enc: k:key -> p:plain -> c:cipher
練習問題 13b:
Refine the type of the encryption function to model the correctness property:
A correctly generated ciphertext, decrypts to its plaintext.
assume val enc: k:key -> p:plain -> c:cipher
assume val enc: k:key -> p:plain -> c:cipher{ dec k c = p }
(* this function is not pure (samples IV);
the refinement captures functional correctness *)
We model perfect secrecy by typing using type abstraction. As concrete cryptographic
algorithms such as the one above talk about bytes, we now introduce the notion of a
symmetric encryption scheme that enforces type abstraction for safe
A scheme is parameterized by a key type k
for keys and a plain type p
that abstractly defines plaintexts.
Keys are abstract to enforce a well typed key usage regime on well typed users of the module.
module SymEnc (* a multi-key symmetric variant; for simplicity:
(1) only using AES above; and (2) parsing is complete *)
type r = AES.plain
(* CPA variant: *)
opaque type Encrypted: #k: Type -> p:Type -> k -> AES.bytes -> Type
(* an opaque predicate, keeping track of honest encryptions *)
type cipher (p:Type) (k:Type) (key:k) = c:AES.cipher { Encrypted p key c }
The type of cipher
records the plain type, key type, and key it was generated for.
type keyT: Type -> Type =
| Ideal : p:Type -> AES.key -> i:int -> keyT p
| Concrete : p:Type -> AES.key -> i:int -> keyT p
Keys record whether they were correctly generated Ideal
in which
case their usage will provide security by type abstraction, or not, in
which they are just concrete keys that can be leaked to the adversary.
type scheme: Type -> Type =
| Scheme: p:Type -> k:Type ->
keyrepr: (k -> AES.key) ->
keygen: (bool -> k) ->
encrypt: (key:k -> p -> cipher p k key) ->
decrypt: (key:k -> cipher p k key -> p) ->
scheme p
A scheme records a plain type p
, a function keyrepr
for breaking
key abstraction, a key generation function keygen
, and encryption
and decryption functions encrypt
and decrypt
type entry (p:Type) (k:Type) =
| Entry : key:k -> c:cipher p k key -> plain:p -> entry p k
To create a cryptographic scheme one needs to provide a plain
for turning bytes
into the plain type values
and a repr
function for turning plain type values into bytes.
val create: p: Type -> plain: (r -> p) -> repr: (p -> r) -> scheme p
The create
function instantiates the scheme using the AES
let create (p:Type) plain repr =
let c = ST.alloc 0 in
let log : ref (list (entry p (keyT p))) = ST.alloc [] in
let keygen : bool -> keyT p = fun safe ->
let i = !c in
c := !c + 1;
let kv = AES.gen() in
if safe
then Ideal p kv i
else Concrete p kv i in
let keyrepr k : AES.key =
match k with
| Ideal kv _ -> failwith "no way!"
| Concrete kv _ -> kv in
let encrypt: (k:keyT p -> p -> cipher p (keyT p) k) = fun k text ->
match k with
| Ideal kv _ ->
let c = AES.enc kv AES.dummy in
assume (Encrypted p k c);
log := Entry k c text :: !log;
| Concrete kv _ ->
let rep = repr text in
(* NS: need the let-binding because repr is impure and we can't
substitute it in the type of 'enc' *)
let c = AES.enc kv rep in
assume (Encrypted p k c);
c in
let decrypt: key:keyT p -> cipher p (keyT p) key -> p = fun k c ->
match k with
| Ideal kv _ -> (match List.find (fun (Entry k' c' _) -> k=k' && c= c') !log with
| Some e -> Entry.plain e
| _ -> failwith "never")
| Concrete kv _ -> plain (AES.dec kv c) in
Scheme p (keyT p) keyrepr keygen encrypt decrypt
Relying on basic cryptographic assumptions (IND-CPA), the
ideal implementation never accesses plaintexts when using Ideal
Formally, the Ideal
branch can be typed using an abstract plaintype:
encrypts a constant AES block c
and logs Entry k c text
returns text
when Entry k c text
is in the log.
As IND-CPA requires that only ciphertext that have previously
been encrypted are decrypted, this is guaranteed by typing to be always the case.
Here is how such a symmetric encryption scheme would be used in an example:
module SampleEncrypt
open SymEnc
let plain (x:AES.plain) = x
let repr (x:AES.plain) = x
let test() =
let p = failwith "nice bytes" in
let Scheme keyrepr keygen encrypt decrypt = SymEnc.create (AES.plain) plain repr in
let k0 = keygen true in
let k1 = keygen true in
let c = encrypt k0 p in
let p' = decrypt k0 c in
assert( p == p'); // this succeeds, as we enforce functional correctness
(* let p'' = decrypt k1 c in // this rightfully triggers an error *)